Application Aware Storage For GKE and OpenShift

Application Aware Storage For GKE and OpenShift

Oct 1, 2021

As more and more enterprises move to Kubernetes for their cloud-native needs, they are looking for high-performance storage options for their stateful and data-intensive workloads. Beyond a seamless workflow to provision storage, they are also looking for complete data lifecycle management features as a part of their storage platform. Robin Storage is a perfect candidate for this need. With their application awareness, high performance and scale, Robin Storage is well suited to meet enterprise cloud-native storage needs. Robin has already partnered with Google Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift to deliver their customers with high-performance storage. They are also well positioned to work with any Kubernetes platform.


As Kubernetes gains increasing enterprise adoption, the need for supporting stateful applications becomes a critical need. Kubernetes community is working on supporting stateful applications on the platform but the enterprise needs are different from running basic stateful apps. Many enterprises are forced to migrate their mission-critical legacy applications to container environments to ensure that both their legacy and modern applications are hosted on Kubernetes clusters. This brings into focus the need for a comprehensive storage platform that meets the critical enterprise needs such as:

  • Ease of use without developers having to manage additional operational overhead.
  • Provisioning and managing storage should be integrated into the developer workflow
  • Bare-metal like performance
  • High availability
  • Comprehensive data management capabilities