Elastic Uptime: Website Monitoring, Service Monitoring, API Monitoring, & Host Availability

Elastic Uptime: Website Monitoring, Service Monitoring, API Monitoring, & Host Availability

May 1, 2019

Elastic Uptime from the makers of the Elastic Stack (ELK Stack): Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, Logstash, and Elastic Cloud.

With the Elastic Uptime solution powered by the open source lightweight shipper, Heartbeat, your availability data works together with rich context provided by logs, metrics, and APM. This makes it much easier to identify relationships, correlate activity, and solve problems quickly. Elastic Uptime allows you to perform several checks, such as host availability, website availability, service availability, as well as API availability. If you need website monitoring, service monitoring, API monitoring, and host availability, get started with Elastic Uptime.