How to choose an ITOM solution? | IT Operations Management | ITOM Made Easy 4/5

How to choose an ITOM solution? | IT Operations Management | ITOM Made Easy 4/5

Choosing an ITOM solution for your organization can be quite challenging.
Unlike ITSM tools, which are built using best practice frameworks like ITIL as a reference, ITOM tools feature a variety of capabilities including:

  1. Intelligent alert and event management
  2. Restorative automation and orchestration capabilities
  3. Device or client management capabilities
  4. Discovery capabilities
  5. On-call management
  6. Automated and predictive support for IT service management
  7. Performance management analytics
  8. Focused cloud management capabilities

With so many features available, it can get confusing on what features to have and what to leave behind. To make that process simpler, here are some must-dos while selecting an ITOM solution:

  1. Truly understanding what you need from the ITOM tool:
  2. Focus on your intended business outcomes, match the feature set and then evaluate ITOM tools. Sometimes you might end up paying for features that you might not even need.
  3. Involving the right people:
  4. With the business needs established, involve the relevant stakeholders and teams and ensure early executive-level buy-in.
  5. Factoring in operational maturity:
  6. The maturity of your IT org dictates the need for certain capabilities in the ITOM tool. It's better to not pay for features that you will never end up using.
  7. Assessing the ITOM tool vendor relationship:
  8. Focus on shared success rather than simply selling and purchasing software services.
  9. Ensuring that the selection process stays on what's needed:
  10. And not on what's available.

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