How to Use Browser Tests to Monitor Web App User Journeys | Datadog Tips & Tricks

How to Use Browser Tests to Monitor Web App User Journeys | Datadog Tips & Tricks

May 19, 2020

In part 2 of this 2 part series, you’ll learn how to create Datadog Browser Tests to replicate user journeys and verify both that your web applications are responsive and functioning properly at all times. To try this out for free for 14 days, sign up at

In part 1 of this series (link), you learned how Datadog’s API tests can be used to check API and website uptime. Datadog Browser Tests take this a step further, allowing you to replicate entire user journeys and transactions through your web applications. This is done with our browser recorder: simply click “Start Recording” and click through your application to record a test.

Once recorded, Browser Tests can be run automatically at prescribed intervals and from locations of your choosing so that they replicate real user transactions. And, once you have a running Browser Test, Datadog will provide the uptime of that user journey and automatically link results to backend trace data if available. If your web application fails, you can immediately see it via your Browser Tests and trace it all the way to any errors occurring in your backend code.