Status Page Demo: Build your OneUptime Status Page in under 10 minutes.

Status Page Demo: Build your OneUptime Status Page in under 10 minutes.

Oct 19, 2023

Welcome to our step-by-step demo on building your own OneUptime Status Page in under 10 minutes. This video is designed to guide you through the process of setting up a fully functional status page

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the entire process, from signing up for a OneUptime account to customizing your status page to suit your brand’s identity. We’ll show you how to add services, incidents, and maintenance events, and how to manage notifications to keep your users informed about the status of your services.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage OneUptime’s features to create a status page that not only enhances transparency with your users but also helps in reducing support tickets during an outage.

Whether you’re a startup looking to build trust with your users or an established business aiming to improve user communication, this video is a must-watch. So, join us on this journey and build your OneUptime Status Page in under 10 minutes.