Tutorial: Azure Block Blob Storage Collection (How-to)

Tutorial: Azure Block Blob Storage Collection (How-to)

This video demonstrates how to configure an Azure-Sumo pipeline for shipping available logs from the Azure Block Blob Storage to an HTTP source on a hosted collector in Sumo Logic.

Useful Resources:

  1. To create a hosted collector, please visit our 'Configure a Hosted Collector' doc page at:
  2. https://help.sumologic.com/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/configure-hosted-collector/
  3. For detailed steps to configure an HTTP source for your hosted collector, refer to the 'Configure an HTTP Logs and Metrics Source' doc page at:
  4. https://help.sumologic.com/docs/send-data/hosted-collectors/http-source/logs-metrics/#configure-an-httplogs-and-metrics-source
  5. Download the blobreaderdeploy.json ARM template at:
  6. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SumoLogic/sumologic-azure-function/master/BlockBlobReader/src/blobreaderdeploy.json
  7. If the logs do not flow into Sumo Logic, after you perform the Collect Logs from Azure Blob Storage procedure, refer to the troubleshooting tips at:
  8. https://help.sumologic.com/docs/send-data/collect-from-other-data-sources/azure-blob-storage/troubleshoot-azure-blob-storage-log-collection/