VirtualMetric Log Monitoring: Turkcell's Splunk Migration Success Story with ClickHouse

VirtualMetric Log Monitoring: Turkcell's Splunk Migration Success Story with ClickHouse

📺 VirtualMetric Log Monitoring: Turkcell's Splunk Migration Success Story with ClickHouse 📺

🏆 Witness the success of the Turkcell Splunk Migration Project, where VirtualMetric emerged as the preferred log monitoring solution. With its active-active ingestion mechanism, end-to-end encryption, and pay-as-you-go model, VirtualMetric has become the go-to choice for enterprises seeking comprehensive log monitoring capabilities with minimal resource usage.

💡 Throughout this project, we've demonstrated the significance of taking on challenges and embracing alternative solutions. One of the most remarkable feats achieved in this journey has been handling an astounding 2 terabytes of log data per day with just 2 ClickHouse physical servers and 10 virtual machines for active-active log collection.

🔍 The Turkcell Splunk Migration Project showcased VirtualMetric's ability to handle massive data volumes effortlessly. With an infrastructure that consists of only 2 ClickHouse physical servers and 10 virtual machines, VirtualMetric Log Monitoring efficiently manages an incredible 2 terabytes of log data every single day. This exceptional capacity to process such vast amounts of log data highlights VirtualMetric's scalability and robustness as a log monitoring solution.

⚙️ Thanks to VirtualMetric's optimized architecture and intelligent resource usage, the log monitoring agent consumes an average of only 30MB to 50MB, and in denser, large-capacity machines, it may reach up to 80MB. This outstanding resource efficiency ensures that enterprises can effectively manage extensive log data without the burden of resource-intensive infrastructure.

Join us in this exciting exploration of courage, innovation, and log monitoring excellence, and learn how VirtualMetric has revolutionized log monitoring for businesses worldwide!

#turkcell #virtualmetric #clickhouse