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September 2023

Introducing Tracealyzer SDK for Custom Integrations

Percepio Tracealyzer is available for many popular real-time operating systems (RTOS), including FreeRTOS, Zephyr, and Azure RTOS ThreadX, and also for Linux. But what if you want to use it for another RTOS, one that Percepio doesn’t provide an integration for? Then you’ve been out of luck—until now.

The Microscope for Embedded Code: How Tracealyzer Revealed Our Bug

Tracealyzer. You can’t stay in the wonderful world of debugging and profiling code without hearing the name. If you look at Percepio’s website, it is compared to the oscilloscopes of embedded code. Use it to peek deep inside your code and see what it does. Of course, the code receives an interrupt and checks a CRC before sending the data through SPI, but how does it do it? And how long does it take?

Efficiently Tracing Zephyr Syscalls

Using Tracealyzer to view applications running on Zephyr RTOS comes with a special challenge: unlike some other microcontroller-oriented real-time operating systems, Zephyr exposes its kernel services via a syscall layer. A syscall is essentially a way to programmatically communicate with the operating system kernel from user level code.