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June 2023

Cloudify 7 Goes Native

Kubernetes has revolutionized the management of containerized applications, but what about non-Kubernetes resources? Can Kubernetes extend its capabilities to encompass those as well? Cloudify, known for its ability to fit into highly distributed and heterogeneous environments, is making a significant stride in this direction with the release of Cloudify 7. In this blog, we explore how Cloudify brings its powerful capabilities natively into the Kubernetes ecosystem.

Cloudify VS Code Extension

In this blog, we’ll run through the new features of Cloudify’s VS Code extension and how developers can use it to write better and more consistent blueprints. This will ultimately improve the overall user experience. VS Code is a cross-platform text editor created by Microsoft. Developers can use VS Code as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for just about any language. Part of VS Code’s appeal is in the ease of developing extensions, which can expand its applications.

Enforcing Policy as Code with Cloudify, Terraform, and Open Policy Agent

In my previous article, I provided an example of using Cloudify’s native REST plugin to send a policy evaluation request to an Open Policy Agent (OPA) service. While dispatching requests to an upstream OPA endpoint is a great way to integrate policy enforcement throughout an environment blueprint, Cloudify has also been working toward native integration of OPA throughout our ecosystem.

How I Learned to Stop Fearing Blueprints and Love cfy-lint

Writing a blueprint might be one of the hardest tasks for new or experienced users, so why would you punish yourself by writing a blueprint the old way? Cloudify’s cfy-lint tool makes writing new blueprints or improving existing ones easier. In this article, I’ll explain some of the errors cfy-lint can identify and how to fix errors automatically.