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September 2020

What is an inode and what are they used for?

Inodes, speculated to be short for “index nodes,” have been around since the introduction of the first UNIX file system around the late 1970s. They were adopted into Linux in the 90s—and for good reason. They’re an excellent way to keep track of how your files are stored, and the method many systems are still based on today.

How we went from kops to EKS in production

Amazon’s EKS service (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes) allows you to create a Kubernetes control plane in your AWS account without having to configure Kubernetes master nodes, etcd, or the api servers. In this blog post we will cover the motivation for using EKS, the preparation required to create an EKS cluster, how to configure EKS in Terraform, and how to set up kube2iam with EKS.

2 ways to set up static IP addresses for ALB

One highly requested feature of AWS’s Application Load Balancer is the ability to assign static IP addresses. Unfortunately, ALBs do not support this feature and it is unlikely they will in the near future. Today, the only way to achieve static IP addresses for your application behind an ALB is to add another layer in between the client and your ALB which does have a static IP address, and then forward requests to your ALB.

Building and deploying a Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster

Deploying Docker images to Kubernetes is a great way to run your application in an easily scalable way. Getting started with your first Kubernetes deployment can be a little daunting if you are new to Docker and Kubernetes, but with a little bit of preparation, your application will be running in no time. In this blog post, we will cover the basic steps needed to build Docker images and deploy them to a Kubernetes cluster.

Azure Kubernetes Service: How to create a cluster

Azure Kubernetes Service, Microsoft's managed Kubernetes solution, allows you to quickly create a Kubernetes cluster in Microsoft Azure and provides features to help you manage and maintain your Kubernetes cluster in Azure. In this blog post we will go over some of the features of AKS and then walk through creating an AKS cluster.

What is AWS Amplify?

Amazon Web Services is the world’s biggest cloud platform, and businesses of all shapes and sizes use it every day to run their businesses. You may find this surprising, but AWS accounts for more than half of Amazon's operating income. Thus, Amazon has a vested interest in getting as many people to use AWS as possible, so it offers a whole bunch of tools to make it easy to use. AWS Amplify is one of these.