Martello Technologies

Ottawa, Canada
  |  By kfitzgibbon
Scale is a perennial challenge for most IT teams. While organizations expect the same performance and experience whether 500 users are accessing essential applications or 50,000, IT headcount rarely increases in proportion with organizational growth. This often leaves IT departments overtaxed and pressed to triage the most urgent concerns. But even that requires good data to inform decisions — which can be in short supply.
  |  By Amanda Griebeler
Just ten days after the last major Microsoft 365 outage, Microsoft reported another incident at 8:48 am on July 30, 2024. The message on X was vague, offering limited details about the scope and impact of the problem. This left many IT teams preparing for what they anticipated would be another rocky day.
  |  By Sara Purdon
On July 18, 2024 at 6:38 pm ET, Vantage DX, Martello’s Microsoft 365 and Teams performance management solution, started to see indicators of a likely Microsoft outage impacting users’ ability to access various Microsoft 365 apps and services. Almost an hour later at 7:41 pm ET Microsoft issued a statement on X.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
In 2024, the overall employee experience hinges, in large part, on the quality of their digital interactions. Digital Employee eXperience (DEX) encompasses all digital touchpoints between employees and their work environment and aims to enhance satisfaction, engagement, and productivity across any digital touchpoint.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
IT teams often find themselves in a constant state of emergency: dealing with issues as they arise. So few issues are reported when they happen that IT teams are left with no choice but to be reactive. This reactive approach is not only a drain on resources, it also hampers system improvements and reduces user satisfaction.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
The old saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been truer for IT teams. Many analysts say proactive IT management is long overdue, and in domains such as cybersecurity and e-commerce, the push is on to detect and stop potential issues early instead of troubleshooting after the fact. So why are so many IT groups stuck in reactive mode when it comes to managing business-critical communication and collaboration applications like Microsoft Teams?
  |  By kfitzgibbon
Hybrid work is very much here to stay. But in spite of that, many companies still haven’t come around to the idea, meaning the tools and systems offered aren’t always used to best effect. This leaves these businesses unprepared to embrace the hybrid world of work we now all find ourselves in. Take hybrid meetings for example – which combine in-person and remote participation, using digital tools to facilitate communication and collaboration across various locations.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
Maturity models have proved to be powerful tools for assessing performance and driving improvement in a wide range of industries and disciplines from cybersecurity and quality control to project management and HR. With hybrid and remote work here to stay, organizations now have a new kind of maturity to aspire to, one that has a significant and direct impact on business results: virtual collaboration maturity.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
Generative AI tools are being embedded in workplaces at breakneck speed to crank up efficiency and productivity. While there’s no question about AI’s potential to deliver those kinds of benefits, the ‘how’ part isn’t fully clear to a lot of businesses. That puts many organizations in a precarious position.
  |  By kfitzgibbon
The Teams desktop client has been rebuilt to prioritize performance and offer a faster, more streamlined, and adaptable experience for users. It’s a fairly sizeable update and there’s a bunch of new features that are worth taking a look at but here are our top 5 and why they’re important for you.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Keep Your VIPs Happy with Martello Vantage DX Tired of constantly firefighting Microsoft Teams issues for your VIPs? In this video, discover how Martello Vantage DX helps IT teams shift from reactive problem-solving to proactive management. With end-to-end visibility, automated correlation, and synthetic testing, Vantage DX identifies and resolves issues before they disrupt important meetings. See how you can deliver a flawless Teams experience and keep your VIPs satisfied.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Discover how industry leaders achieve top-tier Microsoft Teams performance by mastering three key hallmarks of Teams maturity. End-to-End Visibility: Understand the importance of comprehensive visibility across your entire network, enabling effective issue identification and troubleshooting.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Delve into the advanced strategies that industry leaders use to manage Microsoft Teams. Explore the three main hallmarks that set these leaders apart and elevate them to the top of the Microsoft Teams maturity pyramid: End-to-End Visibility: See how comprehensive visibility across the entire network, from the data center to endpoints, helps identify and troubleshoot issues effectively.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Business Leaders, can you afford to 'roll the dice' on Microsoft Teams performance? Watch our video, 'Navigating Teams Success,' to explore critical considerations for your team's collaboration. Understand the risks and discover proactive strategies to optimize Teams performance. Make an informed decision that ensures seamless communication and enhances your team's effectiveness. Don't leave success to chance—empower your business with the right Microsoft Teams solutions.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Ensure your team's success with Microsoft Teams. You already know the importance of effective communication and collaboration. And you understand the impact on closing deals and maximizing productivity. Explore how Microsoft Teams can be a game-changer for your business. Empower your team with the right tools for success.
  |  By Martello Technologies
In a bustling office overrun by support tickets, meet Alex, struggling to keep his team afloat amidst Microsoft Teams chaos. Discover how insights from "The State of Microsoft 365 Performance Management" offer a breakthrough, leading to faster issue resolution and renewed team morale. Break free from reactive troubleshooting with proactive solutions and seize control of your Microsoft Teams instance today.
  |  By Martello Technologies
If you are managing a revenue generating or customer facing team the highs and lows of poor Microsoft Teams performance can be frustrating. See why a top-notch Microsoft Teams experience is so critical to your team’s success.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Are you an IT manager running into challenges with Microsoft Teams? Purpose build monitoring solutions like Vantage DX provide proactive issue detection and end-to-end visibility features that are game changes for IT teams.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Unlocking Microsoft 365 Excellence: EMA Report Reveals Performance Secrets In today’s modern workplace, Microsoft Teams is the linchpin of productivity and customer experience. For the first time, a report launched today uncovers a critical IT blind spot when it comes to Teams, revealing its impact on the customer experience. Join EMA analyst Valerie O’Connell as she reveals insights from ‘The State of Microsoft 365 Performance Management’ report.
  |  By Martello Technologies
In a bustling office, meet Sarah, tasked with ensuring Microsoft Teams functions seamlessly. However, dissatisfied users often refrain from reporting issues, leaving Sarah in constant firefighting mode. Join her journey as she unveils strategies to detect and resolve hidden Teams performance problems, shifting from firefighting to staying ahead. Discover how you can transform your IT strategy for a smoother workplace with Microsoft Teams.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Download our eBook to gain deep insights and get the most out of Microsoft Teams phone.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Download this eBook to learn how to ensure your mix of Teams, PSTN, and internal telephony infrastructure thrive while increasing your visibility into the source of any service delivery issues.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Dependence on Microsoft 365 and Teams has never been greater, and the pressure is on for IT teams to deliver exceptional user experiences - anytime, anywhere. The modern workplace sees users connecting from the office, home and pretty much any place in between. This hybrid work model has a significant impact on IT, the network and the overall quality of service perceived by the users.
  |  By Martello Technologies
The global shift to remote work in early 2020 resulted in enterprises heavily relying on digital touchpoints, such as Microsoft Teams, to keep the hybrid workplace connected. Without deep visibility into the Teams user experience, IT is left in the dark when it comes to overall Teams performance. So, what can you do to optimize your hybrid workforce's interaction with Microsoft Teams? Download now to see.
  |  By Martello Technologies
We have developed the ultimate Microsoft Teams Performance Guide that identifies the top metrics IT teams need to be measuring and outlines Microsoft's best practices to improve the Teams user experience. Whether you're already monitoring your Microsoft Teams or not, you're sure to find this guide helpful.
  |  By Martello Technologies
Enhanced visibility is crucial and to best meet current business needs requires an understanding of the level of satisfaction when using Microsoft 365. There is a growing demand to learn and know how users feel about the quality of their experience. Take a deep dive into the difference between Service Level Agreements and Experience Level Agreements and why the enhanced visibility is crucial to best meetyour current business needs.
  |  By Martello Technologies
As digital transformation accelerates, the user experience is becoming a critical priority for CIOs. A growing number of services are being delivered as cloud-based software as a service (SaaS), but infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams lack visibility and control of the user experience. Digital business initiatives can only be successful if the user's experience is a good one.
  |  By Martello Technologies
With over 200 million users of Microsoft 365 worldwide, it's evident that organizations are putting the productivity of their users into the hands of Microsoft's cloud-based office solution. From communications using products like Exchange Online, and Teams; to collaboration using SharePoint Online; to leveraging OneDrive for document storage and sharing; organizations shifting to Microsoft 365 rely heavily on these tools as the foundation for their operational ecosystem.
  |  By Martello Technologies
It has become the backbone of many organizations, where conference calls, meetings, collaboration, and sharing all take place. This dependency makes it a critical application that requires consistent optimal performance to effectively maintain user productivity. For most Microsoft 365 applications, monitoring performance of a service like Exchange Online revolves around Exchange-related services, logs, etc. With Teams however, ensuring optimal performance proves to be a more complex task, and even more so when utilizing native tools.
  |  By Martello Technologies
With increasingly complex systems sustaining mission-critical services, IT departments are hard at work designing business continuity strategies to avoid unpleasant surprises. Each year companies lose $26.5 billion in revenue due to IT downtime - either planned or unplanned. When there are critical application failures on the network the costs can hit a staggering 1 million dollars per hour lost in Fortune 100 companies.

Martello Technologies is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada with staff in Canada, Europe and the United States. We provide digital experience monitoring (DEM) solutions that monitor the performance of cloud collaboration and productivity tools to give enterprises insight into the user experience. Our products include unified communications (UC) performance analytics software, Microsoft 365 user experience monitoring software and IT analytics software.

Traditional network and application performance monitoring approaches lack insight into the user experience of cloud services. Martello’s digital experience monitoring (DEM) solutions provide deeper insight by correlating data on network and application performance with insight into the user’s experience of the service. While other DEM solutions can make this connection between performance and user experience, Martello takes this a step further, demonstrating to enterprises why the problem happened.