6 Automations to Accelerate IT Operations

6 Automations to Accelerate IT Operations

Mar 6, 2021

The role of IT teams continues to expand and evolve as digital transformation accelerates. Technologies such as cloud, virtualization, edge computing, microservices, and containers have now entered a phase of mass adoption and are being implemented at unprecedented rates while staffing has remained flat for most IT teams. Overburdened IT organizations are struggling to keep up with the scale of their infrastructure and the diversity of the technologies they support.

The conundrum persists: How do you deliver quality IT services faster and expand digital transformation initiatives without increasing costs or headcount? This eBook will demonstrate how forward-thinking IT organizations are addressing these challenges today with automation.

We’ll explore six critical automations that we think every IT team should prioritize to streamline operations and overcome challenges, including:

  • Lack of visibility across systems, environments and tools
  • Difficulty meeting SLAs and expectations for perfect reliability and performance
  • Increasing alarm noise and data volumes
  • Rising MTTR and support costs
  • Supporting the rapid shift to work-from-home
  • Overcoming challenges stemming from distributed IT teams, including governance and process issues

Download the eBook to gain real-world insights into how automating around six key areas can help you optimize resources, lower costs, and improve customer satisfaction.