Dashboard Fridays: Sample au2mator Services Dashboard

Dashboard Fridays: Sample au2mator Services Dashboard

Our au2mator customers heavily use the au2mator Self Service Portal to present automation as a delegated task to the Service Desk, Users, and Admins.

This dashboard shows how au2mator were able to visualize all their services within a single SquaredUp dashboard. Using SQL, PowerShell, Azure Log Analytics, and Web Content, au2mator made a dashboard that looks simple but visualizes a lot.

Join Adam Kinniburgh and special guest Michael Seidl from au2mator as they demonstrate how this dashboard was built, the challenges it solves and how you can get the dashboard pack!

For more information, and to get your hands on the code, head over to our Dashboard Gallery page: https://squaredup.com/dashboard-gallery/visualizing-au2mator-services/