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April 2023

Improve engineering teams faster with DORA metrics

We talk with numerous teams that want to improve their engineering performance. Here, we explain how to accelerate your progress using DORA metrics — a set of key performance indicators that can help you measure and optimize your team's software development process. You'll learn practical tips on how to leverage these metrics to achieve faster and more efficient team improvement. But first, you'll need your team to see the value in DORA metrics.

Unhealthy code? Don't rely on customers to tell you

Does your software deployment process require that someone on your team manually checks different dashboards to verify that everything's okay? Do they actually do that when they deploy? Do you rely on customer complaints to notify you when something's wrong? There's a better way: Sleuth CTO and co-founder Don Brown shows you how to track several health measures automatically in Sleuth.

Pulse-check your engineering team performance

If you're being asked to do more with less on your software engineering team, you need to be able to see at a glance how your team is doing. Are you deploying at a consistent rate? What's your lead time for changes? Where are your bottlenecks? Our CTO, Don Brown, shows how we take a pulse of our performance at Sleuth using DORA metrics.