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November 2021

Linux Mint vs Ubuntu: Who will win?

Linux is an open-sourced operating system for computers, smartphones, servers, mainframes, and embedded devices. The main advantage of Linux over other operating systems is that Linux is an open-source operating system, which means that you can view, edit, customize, enhance, and share the code with anyone. The release of Linux garnered a huge community of contributors that created a variety of features and distributions for users at no added cost.

What is Kubernetes Lens?

As a DevOps Engineer, one day you’re performing magic in the terminal, settling clusters, and feeling like a god. On some other days, you feel like a total fraud and scam. Errors and bugs appear from everywhere, you don’t know where to start, and you don’t know where to look. Sadly, days like this come far too often. To be more specific, what often causes these bad days is none other than Kubernetes itself.