Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2022

Monitor VDA machines and sessions agentless with SCOM

Every Citrix engineer knows it is quite a burden to install, configure and update monitoring agent software on Citrix VDA machines as this requires you to create and deploy new master images every time you need to deploy a new agent version. While it requires some manual actions, the SCOM platform does natively support monitoring through agentless managed devices which you can onboard with the SCOM discovery wizard.

Citrix HDX Teams Redirection Service is not running

The Citrix HDX Teams Redirection Service is part of the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent software since version 1906. The service runs on a VDA machine (single- or multi-session) and provides redirection services which offload audio, video and screensharing in Microsoft Teams for optimizing the user experience for Microsoft Teams when used within the VDA.