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Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week 2: Implementing the Wild Rydes Front-End

The first part of the comprehensive Wild Rydes simple serverless application workshop. This session also covers common topics for building serverless applications like secrets management and user authentication, authorization, and management. Hosts: Chase Douglas (CTO @ Stackery), AM Grobelny (Startup Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS), and Eric Johnson (Sr. Developer Advocate @ AWS).

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week Three: Building the Wild Rydes Back-End

The second part of the comprehensive Wild Rydes simple serverless application workshop. This session covers common topics for building serverless applications like secrets management and user authentication, authorization, and management. Hosts: Chase Douglas (CTO @ Stackery), AM Grobelny (Startup Partner Solutions Architect @ AWS), & Eric Johnson (Sr. Developer Advocate @ AWS).

Serverless Summer School (SSS) Week 1: Local Debugging Workshop

Stackery's CTO, Chase Douglas, AWS Startup Partner Solutions Architect AM Grobelny, and AWS Senior Developer Advocate Eric Johnson kick off the Serverless Summer School series with a local debugging workshop. The gang will address the frustrations of developers attempting to locally debug Lambda functions and reviewing tools like the AWS SAM CLI and the Stackery CLI to proposing a language-independent workflow that doesn't require hours of research to set up. Follow along through the example of setting up a simple serverless application.