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The latest News and Information on Serverless Monitoring, Management, Development and related cloud technologies.

Dependency Injection in Azure Functions

This blog focuses on implementing the Dependency Injection design pattern to the Azure Functions. For a better understanding of Dependency Injection and Azure Function, Let’s take a simple Cab booking validation scenario, in which there will be a Function app implemented with the Dependency Injection that validates the user email Id that is valid or not. Before diving into the orchestration, let us know what the Dependency Injection is.

The Role of Cognitive Computing in Serverless Architecture

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are obviously very popular buzzwords these days. This is for good reason based upon the evolution of these capabilities even within the past few years as major cloud vendors package these powerful capabilities as APIs. A class of APIs that we will explore in this whitepaper is Cognitive Services APIs. By packaging these AI and ML capabilities as APIs, the barrier to entry has dramatically reduced.

Serverless *Can* Be for Everyone - Let's Build It That Way

Serverless can bring opportunities by making DevOps more accessible to folks new to the industry. It can also bring opportunities to folks already in the industry that want to spend more time focusing on adding business value. But many technologists, seasoned or otherwise, hear a lot about serverless but don’t always know how to get started.

Use Webhooks for Async HTTP Messaging in Azure Logic Apps

There are scenarios where we want to de-couple logic across multiple logic apps. Generally, this is a straight forward endeavor, unless the downstream logic app has a long-running process. When this does occur, the client (or publisher) will experience an HTTP timeout if the request takes more than 2 minutes. This scenario is captured within the Azure Logic Apps documentation.

Cold starts get the cold shoulder - Provisioned Concurrency has changed the game

Among the many, MANY announcements at re:Invent this year is one that settles a years-long debate or concern amongst people considering using AWS Lambda to build serverless applications: cold starts. AWS Lambda is now 5 years old. For all of that time, there’s been a concern about latency the first time a function is called. Well, fret no more: with Provisioned Concurrency you can pay a tiny fee to know Lambda functions are always available.