Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Kubevious - a Revolutionary Kubernetes Dashboard for Cross-Checking and Validating Your Kubernetes Resources

The standard Command Line Interface for Kubernetes (kubectl) is a very powerful tool for debugging or monitoring purposes. It is very inefficient, but just if you want to get a high-level overview of your Kubernetes cluster or want to work with multiple resources at the same time. A large number of graphical Kubernetes dashboards exist today and chances are that you already used the default Kubernetes dashboard or the one that comes with your cloud provider.

Survey Says: COVID-19 is Threatening On-prem Environments

COVID-19 is leading to large-scale migrations away from on-premises environments, according to Codefresh’s second annual State of DevOps survey that revealed this and other surprising insights into the continued evolution of the industry. At the same time, DevOps automation continues to expand in scope and complexity with more and more processes becoming automated, and more involved technologies like Kubernetes continuing to gain strong traction.

Automated Deployment Monitoring with Lightstep and Codefresh

Today’s development environment demands fast iterations and frequent deployments. How do you know if the changes that you’re making to your microservices are having the desired impact on your end-users? With Codefresh and Lightstep, you’re able to more quickly, more accurately, and more confidently ensure that any commit and build results in a better experience for your end-users.

Announcing Native Support for Kubernetes Secrets in Codefresh Pipelines

Secret management has been one of the most challenging areas when it comes to application deployments. Especially in the era of containers and dynamic services that come and go all the time, secret storage and rotation is more important than ever. Today we release our brand-new secret management integration that allows you to use Kubernetes secrets and configmaps straight into Codefresh pipelines in the easiest way possible.

Shifting Security Left with Prisma Cloud and Codefresh

The move to DevOps, high-frequency deployments and containerization has introduced two new asset classes along with the opportunities to significantly improve the security posture of applications throughout the CI/CD pipeline. These new assets are templates in order to deploy infrastructure and applications, defined as code. The second of these asset classes are the container images which contain the packages, code, and binaries for a specific application. However, more often than not security is an afterthought, bolted on and addressed at runtime.

Logging Best Practices in the CI/CD Era

With the overabundance of log data available today, it’s easy to simply limit logging events. However, this pattern overlooks the latent value in your log data. To be proactive, rather than reactive. Utilizing their experience serving 1,500+ customers worldwide, Ariel Assaraf, CEO of Coralogix, will show you how to transform your logs into a treasure trove of opportunities for improving your CICD process and anticipating operational problems before they happen.