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Troubleshooting On Steroids with Logz.io Log Patterns

It’s 3 AM and your phone is ringing. Rubbing your eyes, you take a look at the alert you just got from PagerDuty. A critical service has just gone offline. Angry customers are calling support. Your boss is on the phone, demanding the issue be resolved ASAP. You open up your log management tool only to be faced by 5 million log messages. What now?

Logz.io for MSPs: Fast, Powerful Log Analytics Improves Customer Success

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are on the hook to deliver reliable, performant, and secure services to their customers. Production issues or security incidents can threaten SLAs, customer contracts, and ultimately business reputations. To state the obvious, MSPs need to understand what is going on in their environment so they can effectively identify and diagnose production issues before they impact customers. This is the idea behind “observability.”

Monitoring Google Cloud Platform with Stackdriver and Logz.io

We’re happy to announce a new integration with Google Stackdriver, allowing users to easily ship data from Google Cloud Platform into Logz.io via Google Pub/Sub! Early adopters of Google Cloud may recall that they were pretty much in the dark as far as logging their projects was concerned. Sure, they could access their virtual machines and manually grep log files but that was pretty much it. With this new integration, we can import logs from Stackdriver into Logz.io.

Could You Be the DevOps Evangelist We're Looking For?

Have you ever been in charge of your company’s observability stack? Does the pain of implementing, configuring, scaling, and maintaining (oh, and correlating the data between) various monitoring, troubleshooting, and security tools resonate with you? If so, you might be our next tech evangelist – our next DevOps Evangelist!

Requirements of a Security Platform in a DevOps World

Businesses today cannot afford to be hacked. Cyber attacks can result in hefty fines and lawsuits, not to mention the reputational damage that can result in long-term revenue loss. Of course, this has always been true. But what has changed over the past few years is both the sheer volume of attacks and the growing sophistication used in them. As a result, there is a need an updated and upgraded kind of SIEM security platform to face them.

How Log Analytics Improves Your Zero Trust Security Model

Over the past few years, cloud computing has passed through its hype and early-adopter phases. Now we are hitting the peak of migration from on-premise to cloud-based infrastructure. Consequently, this transition and the advent of cloud computing has dramatically changed the way we think about security. Namely, the security paradigm has shifted towards a Zero Trust Security Model.

The Top 10 DevOps Trends of 2019

At Logz.io we’re always keeping tabs on the latest and greatest in the DevOps world, for the benefit of both our own engineering team and for the teams that use our products. As the days get shorter and colder, we decided to look back on 2019 and share the top trends we’ve seen in 2019 so far. The acronym “CALMS” (Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, Sharing) is a helpful way to structure thinking about DevOps tools and techniques.

Top 10 Open Source Monitoring Tools for Kubernetes

With over 58K stars on GitHub and over 2,200 contributors across the globe, Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration. While solving some of the key challenges involved in running distributed microservices, it has also introduced some new ones. Not surprisingly, when asked, engineers list monitoring as one of the main obstacles for adopting Kubernetes. After all, monitoring distributed environments has never been easy and Kubernetes adds additional complexity.