Boost your #Development Workflow with Cloud Patches #shorts

Boost your #Development Workflow with Cloud Patches #shorts

Dec 13, 2023

Meet Trevor 👋 He's a developer just like you, and sharing code is a crucial part of his workflow. That's why he's working on Cloud Patches – a streamlined way to get feedback earlier in the development process and save yourself from potential coding headaches!

With just a few clicks, Trevor can convert his local #Git changes into a shareable patch, eliminating the delays of traditional methods like updating remotes or creating pull requests. 🔀

☁️ Cloud Patches aren't just about saving time; they help to enhance collaboration and make the most of every coding hour! 👩‍💻🧑‍💻👨‍💻

#GitKraken #GitKrakenClient #DevTools #DevTeams #Coding