Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

July 2022

elmah.io launches two GitHub Actions in the GitHub Marketplace

While developing the ecosystem around the elmah.io API and App Store, we see an increasing interest and adoption of GitHub and the services around it. We have a range of integrations with GitHub that I’ll introduce you to later in this document. But first of all, I’m happy to announce that elmah.io has been chosen as a GitHub Technology Partner to build integrations in the Marketplace and extend developer capabilities. elmah.io integrates with GitHub in two ways.

Building a quick Reddit Blazor client without Reddit's API

When developing the new exception landing pages we recently launched (like insert exception link here), I wanted to pull some statistics from Reddit. While looking through various ways to integrate, I found an easy approach that I want to share with you in this post. You probably already know Reddit, the highly active social news aggregation and discussion forum. I've found myself using Reddit more and more over the last couple of years, with the dotnet subreddit in particular.