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One Line Developer Experience - Terraform, ArgoCD, Crossplane, and Shipa

As we kick off the new year and our release of Shipa 1.5.0, dabbling in the art of the possible, what if it was possible to provide your developers with a single line of configuration to get their ideas into production. Shipa is an application and policy abstraction layer which easily integrates with your DevOps toolchains. In this example, we will show what platform engineering or DevOps teams can create to allow for development teams to only have to make a change to a singular line of YAML to get their ideas into production.

Crossplane and Shipa Webinar

Learn in this Shipa Webinar how to leverage Crossplane to create a GKE Cluster then enforce/manage/deploy an application leveraging Shipa. Similar to the Terraform approach, Shipa and Crossplane can be integrated together. Crossplane can create all of the necessary objects that are needed for Shipa Cloud to be wired into additional Kubernetes clusters. Even if this is your first time using one or both of these platforms, this example is geared towards you.

Ketch Now in the Civo Cloud Marketplace - Getting Started

Just behind the Ketch 0.6 Release, Ketch is now available for the first time in the Civo Marketplace. If you are unfamiliar with Civo, Civo is a Kubernetes based cloud provider allowing for the rapid creation of Kubernetes clusters. No matter where you are in the Kubernetes journey, the pairing of Civo and Ketch can allow you to fast-track your Kubernetes learnings or further your developer experience and guardrails with Kubernetes.