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Michael DeSa [InfluxData] | Monitoring Methodologies

The objective of this workshop will be to introduce participants to the RED and USE monitoring methodologies. We will compare and contrast the two methodologies. Care will be taken to highlight best practices associated with each methodology. The workshop will culminate in participants designing schema and using flux to create relevant visualizations of their data.

InfluxDB Community Office Hours - June 2020

InfluxDB Community Office Hours are one-hour, monthly online sessions, held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am Pacific Time, by our Influxers to answer your questions about any topic related to InfluxDB or time series. We host this monthly live webinar so that users can directly ask a panel of Influxers questions and talk in real time. We record these sessions and post them on YouTube. InfluxDB Community Office Hours are part of our commitment to open source, developer happiness, and time to awesome.