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Empower the SREs - Conclusions from The SRE Report 2023

Let's be honest, nobody loves surveys. Ok, well I sure don't. But surveys satisfy a huge need in our demand for insights into complex human-computer, sociotechnical systems. It turns out that we've been measuring the computer part pretty well, but the humans – not as easy to keep track of. When Google SRE first defined toil as a metric we wanted to reduce, we spent far too long trying to quantify it numerically based on tooling and insights from computer systems.

Digital Immunity and Internet Resilience: On Point in Orlando

The world is getting back to normal… I attended my first conference after three years of almost no travel and Gartner did not disappoint. The Gartner IT Symposium//Xpo™* drew thousands of attendees to Orlando, Florida from around the globe and I think everyone was as excited (and - a bit - nervous) as I was to be back together again. As Gartner does annually, they identified Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023.

Your Business Requires a Resilient Internet

One of my initial surprises upon joining Catchpoint about five months ago was to do with how much confusion there is in the observability market. Every single vendor has almost the same message around ensuring a great digital experience for your customers or employees or both. Of course, these experiences are critical to get right, but for the most part many of these solutions, at best, help to ensure that sites are live and available, and that they are reachable by some users.

3 Lessons from a DNS Resolution Failure Incident

Whether you are a Site Reliability or Network Engineer, or simply involved in monitoring a digital service, you know by now that if DNS is not working properly – your users are experiencing an outage. However, despite its importance in ensuring the resilience and availability of the web, DNS is often not monitored correctly, which can mean undetected outages and any associated ripple effects on your business.

Introducing WebPageTest by Catchpoint's First Free Web Performance Course

This week over at WebPageTest, we’re excited to be taking our first steps into the performance education space with our new completely free online course, Lightning-Fast Web Performance by WPT Senior Experience Engineer, Scott Jehl. This course is for you, whether you’re a DevOps engineer curious to learn more about WebPerf or you’re part of a front-end and QA team responsible for website optimization and lowering latency.

Catchpoint's New Node to Node Feature Removes Corporate Blind Spots

At Catchpoint, we release new features approximately seven times annually. Catchpoint’s previous release, Andante, includes a variety of updates and new features, including a powerful new smartboard redesigned to be more intuitive and help our users find solutions faster, additional metrics to strengthen our unique RUM solution, and the ability to generate alerts for workforce experience based on issues your Digital Experience Score identifies.