Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

February 2023

Getting Out of the 2010s Era of Alarm Avalanches

Between on-premises data centers and private, public, and hybrid clouds, today's networks have never leveraged a more comprehensive range of technologies, nor have those technologies been this interconnected. The result is that networks are now far more capable than ever before, and are able to augment their capabilities by leveraging other technologies to their highest and best use.

The 7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations: Password Reset

In today’s digital world, we have logins for most everything that needs to be done online. With so many passwords to remember, its easy to end up in a situation where passwords are forgotten. Most organizations report Password Reset is one of the top requests that come into their service desk. According to Forrester large US-based organizations allocate ~1 million annually for password reset related support cost. Getting locked out also has a siginificant loss in productivity.

From Alert Madness to Incident Response Nirvana: An AIOps and ITPA Strategy

Complex environments are notorious for generating a high volume of alerts. For IT teams, this deluge presents a critical, time-consuming challenge. Managing alerts and incident response keeps these busy professionals under constant pressure and risks alert fatigue. Nonstop “noise” can desensitize people and actually lead to missed or ignored alerts—risking delayed responses and downtime. These high stakes make handling alerts a key security and productivity issue.

IT Automation: A Key Strategy for Maintaining Customer and Employee Satisfaction

The current state of the economy has left many companies in a state of uncertainty, with 58% of business leaders feeling the pressure of too many initiatives to be supported without the right resources. While these companies look for ways to stay competitive and, in many instances, to accomplish more with less, compromising on delivering high-quality experiences is not an option, particularly in a world where fast, seamless digital experiences have become the norm.

The 7 IT Automations Use-Case Series: Employee Onboarding

New hires today are expected to hit the ground running from their start date, especially in this landscape where businesses are under pressure to deliver high efficiency and high productivity. Yet, the onboarding process to set up the new employee up with systems, apps, and critical access remains broken and highly cumbersome at most companies. It’s time HR and IT team up to fix this to enable HR to focus on high value onboarding experiences, IT to ensure enterprise security compliance is always met, and for new team members to be ready to start from day 1.

7 IT Automations for Highly Effective Organizations: Employee Offboarding

Just as important as employee onboarding, is offboarding an employee i.e. managing employee experience at the end of his or her tenure. The laundry list of to-dos for IT during this time is not insignificant, right from managing the logistics of the exit to ensuring they close on the loop on any resources they might have access to. Most of these post-exit activities can also have security implications if left unchecked.

Drinking Our Own Champagne: IT Automation Meets Marketing Automation

Operations management—whether IT, business, sales, marketing, etc.—has four essential main objectives: And in any industry, those objectives are driven by the most important goal, which is to generate revenue for the organization. While every single task or implementation may not directly impact revenue, the outcome of small improvements over time can be substantial. After a Google search for motivational quotes, I stumbled on James Clear’s “power of tiny gains” concept.

Ten Automations to Make Your Network Agile and Efficient

Even in the most structured environments with clear operational strategies, complexity build-up in infrastructure and operations is unavoidable as businesses grow. To help these environments thrive in a consistent, reliable way, it’s vital to optimize the IT function: the backbone that supports every business application and ensures service excellence across all other functions. Automating operations is the only way for IT to scale and support today’s business demands.

Just Stick to the Script?

Have you ever patched your servers using scripts only to realize that you missed another script for pre-update configuration compliance that had to run beforehand? Most IT organizations start with scripting simple, repetitive tasks in either Python, PowerShell, or Perl to help provide the quickest ROI. Common pain points solved for are creating user accounts, installing patches, software, and provisioning resources such as virtual machines (VMs), etc.

Getting Out of the 2000s Era of ClickOps

In a world where everyone across the enterprise requires the network, the Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) team has a lot on their plate. Business units, departments, and even individual employees often need to spin up new network resources in order to do their work, take advantage of new business opportunities, and focus on innovation. As the gatekeepers of the network, it’s up to the I&O team to facilitate these connections.

Getting Out of the 1990s Era of Manual Troubleshooting

Because today’s businesses rely on their network like never before, the network needs to be available at all times to provide the connectivity required by remote workers, cloud applications, and automated systems. As the network has become critical to everyday operations, network troubleshooting has evolved from being a mundane task to one of the core functions of the Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) department.