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April 2023

6 Stages of the Agile Software Development Lifecycle

In the ever-changing, fast-paced world of software development, Agile and DevOps are some of the most resilient methodologies that stand the test of time. Whether you’re a business leader, a project lead, or an operations manager desperately trying to sync your developer with other departments, when you think of Agile, you should think of flexibility and continuous improvement.

Collaborating on GitHub: Best Practices for Working With Others

The idea of ‘collaboration’ in software development isn’t new. More often than not, delivery of a software product is only possible because of teamwork and combined effort. Over time, collaboration has risen to priority one in the tech world, and some tools now make it seamless to share resources and work across even the largest of teams. In this article, we are going to be exploring GitHub, a collaboration platform that helps teams work and ship products together.

How to Conduct Awesome Code Reviews in 2023 with GitKraken Client

Code review is not just a helpful practice for any software-related organization, it’s necessary. It is an essential component of the software development process that paves the path for developers to identify bugs and improve the overall quality of their end products. Code reviews are even more critical today given the popularity of remote work and distributed teams. GitKraken Client is a powerful tool that helps developers manage and review code.

How to Manage Multiple GitHub Accounts with GitKraken Client

GitKraken Client makes working with GitHub simple thanks to a great GitHub Integration. The GitHub integration allows you to sign in using GitHub, which will automatically connect the integration. Or you can manually connect the integration from Preferences > Integrations > GitHub. Once connected, you’ll be able to easily create repositories on GitHub, clone repositories from your GitHub account, work with pull requests, manage GitHub issues, and much more.

GitKraken Client 9.3: Skip the Corporate UI and Stay in That Sweet GitKraken Dark Theme

This release is all about improving our Azure DevOps integration. According to our super sea-cret metrics, Azure DevOps is our users’ third most popular Git hosting service, after GitHub and Bitbucket. That explains why so many of you have sent in support tickets or submitted feature requests to make the integration with Azure match the excellent experience users have with our Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab integrations.