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March 2024

Elevating Code Reviews: Strategies for Distributed Teams

With more developers working remotely, traditional code reviews have begun to shift. Classic water cooler conversations have turned into pings on Slack, and collaborative office spaces have transformed into stand-alone home setups. Remote work clearly has many advantages, but it can also leave developers feeling isolated. Asynchronous communication introduces massive bottlenecks for efficient feedback and creative brainstorming, particularly during code reviews.

Share code with anyone, anywhere! #GitKraken #CloudPatches

Got a WIP change that you'd love an extra set of eyes on? 👀 Instead of submitting a PR and cluttering up the commit history, throw it in a Cloud Patch with GitKraken Client. ☁️ Describe what you're working on, share the link, and bam! 💥 You can collaborate early on, setting the stage for a smoother pull request later down the line. 🔁

Minimizing Distractions and Maximizing Productivity with GitLens

For developers, streamlining your workflow while coding in a distraction-free and conducive environment is of utmost importance. This is why most developers go for workspaces that can provide most, if not all, the tools and services they need in one place. Less context switching means minimal distractions, hence, more productivity. GitLens is a Git extension for VS Code that provides valuable insights into code authorship and unlocks the full power of Git within VS Code.

What's the Ideal Dev Team Size? #GitKraken #shorts

The ideal dev team size? Amazon says if you can feed everyone at your meeting with two pizzas 🍕 then you've got a good group. But it's also about ensuring your team stays agile, connected to customer needs, and focused on delivering real value. Explore strategies for larger teams to emulate the efficiency of smaller ones in our State of Git Collaboration report with #JetBrains! 🚀

Are metrics motivating? Or just something else to stress over? #GitKraken #DevTeams

GitKraken's Eric Amodio says it's complicated – just looking at metrics alone doesn't include all the complexity of the development process! Our State of Git Collaboration report with #JetBrains tells us how devs really feel about these numbers and charts. 🤔 Are they really capturing our best work, or missing the full picture?

Best Git Client for Windows in 2024

For developers working in the Windows environment, selecting the ideal Git client can boost your version control experience. Git clients help manage changes more efficiently, track the history of your projects with greater clarity, and facilitate easier collaboration with team members, regardless of their location. It should provide a tangible interface to navigate branches, review changes, and commit code, minimizing the learning curve for new team members and speeding up the development cycle.

Changelog Breakdown: Focus Tab, GitKraken.dev, & more

Dive into the latest GitKraken Client updates – starting with Focus View, helping you prioritize all PRs, Issues, and WIPs so you waste less time wondering, "What's next?" and more time coding. Worried about security? We've got new customizable protections to ensure that your work (and your mind) stays safe and at ease. Whether you're managing your Workspaces or sharing code with Cloud Patches, GitKraken brings everything you care about into one accessible, secure, and efficient place.

Coffee Break Update: What's New In Team Insights for Jira | Mar '24

Grab a coffee and take 3 minutes to see what's new in Git Integration for Jira's free extension, Team Insights for Jira. This month we talk about Jira sprint auditing (how your scope changes after starting a sprint), performance improvements, and a new Teams view to help run better stand ups and understand workload. Plus, we'll take a sneak peak into what's coming next (hint: saved filters and UI customization).

GitKraken Workshop: Tuning Up PR Workflows

Discover practical tips for smoother coding collaboration & get a peek into what's cooking at GitKraken! Traditional development workflows rely heavily on pull requests, causing devs to wait around for feedback. Not only that, encountering merge conflicts from outdated branches or simultaneous code changes can be frustrating and disrupt your flow. In this workshop, Justin Roberts and Jeremy Castile explore ways to encourage early collaboration, reduce rework, and get a clear picture of your work.

Struggling with #Git? Check this out #shorts

What's a remote? What about a push? What do you mean, "fetch"?? 😰 All of these questions (and more 👀) are answered in GitKraken's Foundations of Git course – perfect for Git newbies or for those looking to amp up their version control game. 💪 Whether you work in a GUI or CLI, this free course has everything you need to transform your Git journey from bewildering to brilliant!

4 Hurdles of Multi-Repo Management (and How to Solve Them)

First, let’s break down the differences between mono and multi-repo setups. Mono-repos are exactly what they sound like – singular repositories that hold everything in one place. Multi-repos, however, can scatter the landscape, resulting in separate repos that are all still part of the larger ecosystem. While this approach offers flexibility, it can also make projects way harder to manage.