Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2023

3 secure ways to handle user data in Raygun

You know the feeling: You’re right in the middle of cracking a really convoluted coding problem, when an urgent support ticket pops up. It’s not just any ticket; it’s from a VIP customer with a high-severity issue demanding resolution within an hour. You have to drop what you’re doing and scramble, completely context-switching and losing all your momentum.

The art of software engineering management

Like any leadership role, leading an engineering team in a mature, compact company like Raygun comes with both honor and responsibility. Leading a major development project is a bit like conducting a symphony orchestra, where every individual plays a crucial role and has a great impact on the work they release to customers and end-users.
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Symbolicating stack traces from Apple system libraries

In the world of software development, quickly finding and fixing errors drives better experiences for both end-users and developers. One key tool in this process is the symbol map, which records debugging information that was lost in the compilation process. Symbol maps (or source maps if we're talking JavaScript) connect the code developers write to the minified code in production, making it easier to decipher crashes by pinpointing the exact source code that caused the error.

Mocha vs Jasmine, Chai, Sinon & Cucumber in 2024

Javascript has been enabling browsers for years, and for better or for worse, the internet is made of JS. NodeJS brought it to the server side. TypeScript has wrapped familiar object-oriented, statically-typed syntax around it. Anywhere you look, you’ll find Javascript: on the client, server, mobile, and embedded systems.