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Using AppDynamics Business iQ to Uncover Airline Competitive Seat-Blocking

At AppDynamics, we frequently talk about how insights derived from application performance metrics can help achieve favorable business outcomes. It’s easy to imagine how this would be the case with a slow e-commerce application or full-blown outage, but there are many other use cases that don’t readily come to mind.

Accelerate Your Career: Become an Agent of Transformation

A new global research report launched today by AppDynamics reveals the emergence of a new breed of technologist, primed to drive positive and sustainable change within their organizations over the coming years – The Agents of Transformation. Technology advancements continue to change the world in ways we’re only beginning to imagine – transforming the way we work, rest, and play.

AWS re:Invent-What do Black Friday and Cyber Monday Have in Common?

With the genesis of Amazon Web Services, enterprises of all sizes can now take advantage of the public cloud to deliver significantly more agility and control. With AWS, elastic infrastructure is easier to attain, and usage spikes are an afterthought. Only days apart, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are arguably the two biggest days in retail. They’re what make “web scale” a requirement for leading eCommerce organizations throughout the world.

Why Kubelet TLS Bootstrap in Kubernetes 1.12 is a Very Big Deal

Kubelet TLS Bootstrap, an exciting and highly-anticipated feature in Kubernetes 1.12, is graduating to general availability. As you know, the Kubernetes orchestration system provides such key benefits as service discovery, load balancing, rolling restarts, and the ability to maintain container counts by replacing failed containers. And by using Kubernetes-compliant extensions, you can seamlessly enhance system functionality.

Blue-Green Deployment Strategies for PCF Microservices

Blue-green deployment is a well-known pattern for updating software components by switching between simultaneously available environments or services. The context in which a blue-green deployment strategy is used can vary from switching between data centers, web servers in a single data center, or microservices in a Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) deployment.

Best Practices for Instrumenting Containers with AppDynamics Agents

In this blog I will show some best practices for instrumenting Docker containers, using docker-compose with a few popular AppDynamics application agent types. The goal here is to avoid rebuilding your application containers in the event of an agent upgrade, or having to hard-code AppDynamics configuration into your container images. In my role as a DevOps engineer working on AppDynamics’ production environments, I use these techniques to simplify our instrumented container deployments.

Achieving Rapid Time-to-Value with AppDynamics

At AppDynamics, we are firm believers in demonstrating the value of our platform as quickly as possible. Many of our customers are able to address critical performance issues within minutes of getting their application instrumented. Below is an example of how we use AppDynamics with a fictional customer, AD-Betting, to analyze and troubleshoot the company’s business environment soon after AppD is up and running.

How to Identify Impactful Business Transactions in AppDynamics

New users of APM software often believe their company has hundreds of critical business transactions that must be monitored. But that’s not the case. In my role as Professional Services Consultant (EMEA) at AppDynamics, I’ve worked at dozens of customer sites, and the question of “What to monitor?” is always foremost in new users’ minds.