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Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Sysdig metrics

In this article, you’ll learn, through an example, how to configure Keda to deploy a Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) that uses Sysdig Monitor metrics. Keda is an open source project that allows using Prometheus queries to scale Kubernetes pods. In Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Prometheus metrics, you learned how to install and configure Keda to create a Kubernetes HPA triggered by a standard Prometheus query.

Trigger a Kubernetes HPA with Prometheus metrics

In this article, you’ll learn how to configure Keda to deploy a Kubernetes HPA that uses Prometheus metrics. The Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can scale pods based on the usage of resources, such as CPU and memory. This is useful in many scenarios, but there are other use cases where more advanced metrics are needed – like the waiting connections in a web server or the latency in an API.

What's new in Sysdig - September 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig! Happy Janmashtami! Shanah Tovah! 中秋快乐! With lockdown lifting by varying degrees across the world, we hope you had a safe but pleasant holiday! It has certainly been long overdue. Here at Sysdig, we celebrated Labor Day in the USA with an extended weekend and a well being day for the team.

How to monitor Redis with Prometheus

Redis is a simple – but very well optimized – key-value open source database that is widely used in cloud-native applications. In this article, you will learn how to monitor Redis with Prometheus, and the most important metrics you should be looking at. Despite its simplicity, Redis has become a key component of many Kubernetes and cloud applications. As a result, performance issues or problems with its resources can cause other components of the application to fail.

NIST 800-53 compliance for containers and Kubernetes

In this blog, we will cover the various requirements you need to meet to achieve NIST 800-53 compliance, as well as how Sysdig Secure can help you continuously validate NIST 800-53 requirements for containers and Kubernetes. NIST 800-53 rev4 is deprecated since 23 September 2021 Read about the differences between versions down below →

Smart gardening with a Raspi and Prometheus

Let’s build a smart gardening system with Prometheus and a Raspberry pi. Having plants at home can reduce your stress levels and make your home look more delightful. Seeing your indoor oasis growing gives us a sense of accomplishment and makes us feel proud… until you see that first brown leaf. That’s when you start doubting your green fingers.

What's new in Sysdig - August 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig! This month’s big announcement is our new support for Prometheus as a managed service. There are several individual features behind this which we cover in more detail below, but here is a summary: Also, Kubernetes 1.22 was released and we shared our review of what to look out for. Go check out our Kubernetes 1.22 – What’s new? post if you haven’t already.

No pain... More gain! Sysdig Monitor radically simplifies monitoring integrations based on open source

Monitoring services and applications in just a few clicks – that’s the dream of every SRE and developer, but this is very difficult because most applications don’t expose metrics in a standardized format. This article will introduce the current pros and cons of the Prometheus exporters ecosystem and how we leveraged the power of the open-source exporters in Sysdig to radically simplify the user experience to allow you to monitor your applications in just a few clicks.

Monitoring Pi-hole: Having your Raspberry Pi, and eating it with Prometheus remote write!

Last year we cooked a holiday ham using Sysdig. Honestly, just revisiting that makes me hungry, but it got me thinking. What about dessert? Today, I’d like to discuss baking a pie and eating it with Prometheus Remote Write. But not just any pie: a Raspberry Pi. Specifically, I’d like to introduce you to Pi-hole, an open-source project that has become very popular in the community. In this article you’ll learn how easy is Monitoring Pi-hole with Prometheus Remote Write.

Sysdig offers remote write and more custom metrics for its managed Prometheus service

We are excited to announce that Prometheus Remote Write functionality is now generally available in Sysdig Monitor. This feature allows Prometheus users to easily push metrics directly from their Prometheus servers to Sysdig’s Managed Prometheus Service. Sysdig Monitor provides not only a scalable long term storage solution for custom metrics but also radically simplifies Prometheus monitoring.