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Successful Business: Lessons from a Tech-Savvy CEO

I’m Romaric, the CEO and co-founder of Qovery. With 15 years of experience managing large-scale infrastructure and a passion for computer science, I’ve embarked on a journey to build an ambitious tech product designed to revolutionize the developer experience. At Qovery, we aim to simplify the path to production for developers, ensuring they can focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Configure your Docker Syslog Logging Driver

Logs are useful for troubleshooting and identifying issues in applications, as they provide a record of events and activities. However, managing log data can be challenging due to the large volume of log events generated by modern applications, as well as the need to balance the level of detail in the logs and the impact on the application's performance.

Choosing an OpenTelemetry backend - Things To Keep In Mind

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) incubating project aimed at standardizing the way we instrument applications for generating telemetry data(logs, metrics, and traces). However, OpenTelemetry does not provide storage and visualization for the collected telemetry data. And that’s where an OpenTelemetry backend is needed. Cloud computing and containerization made deploying and scaling applications easier.

Monitoring your Nextjs application using OpenTelemetry

Nextjs is a production-ready React framework for building single-page web applications. It enables you to build fast and user-friendly static websites, as well as web applications using Reactjs. Using OpenTelemetry Nextjs libraries, you can set up end-to-end tracing for your Nextjs applications. Nextjs has its own monitoring feature, but it is only limited to measuring the metrics like core web vitals and real-time analytics of the application.

6 Tools Every Software Developer Should Master

In the ever-evolving world of software development, staying updated with the right tools is crucial for success. These tools enhance productivity, ensure code quality, and foster effective collaboration. Whether you are a novice developer or a seasoned professional, mastering essential tools can significantly impact your career trajectory.

Writing a Web Development Thesis

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites. It requires a combination of skills, including programming languages and visual design. Web developers need to be organized and detail-oriented in order to produce professional work. The most common programming languages used for web development are HTML and CSS. HTML structures the structure of a website, while CSS specifies its appearance.

How the Rollout of 5G Networks Will Impact Educational Practices

5G networks have been a controversial topic for a long time due to misinformation and the novelty of this technology. Today, most of these myths have been dispelled, and we know that there are no inherent dangers to using 5G internet. However, the vital question is, could faster connection revolutionize online education and also influence classroom learning?

Cutting-Edge Learning Tools for Gifted Elementary Students

Modern education benefits from technology, offering access to diverse digital tools that match various learning styles. However, identifying high-quality content amidst plentiful options remains challenging. Parents and educators must carefully assess resources to ensure they genuinely enhance learning and offer academic value.

7 Ways Technology Has Transformed the Learning Experience

There is no denying that technology has greatly impacted society as a whole. But one area where its influence truly shines is in the field of education. Over the years, technology has transformed the learning experience for both students and teachers alike - making it more engaging, efficient, and effective. Get ready to be amazed at how far technology has taken us on our educational journey and discover 7 key ways it has transformed the learning experience.