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AI Chihuahua: Why Machine Learning is Dogged by Failure and Delays - Ian Hellström (D2iQ)

AI is everywhere. Except in many enterprises. Going from a prototype to production is perilous when it comes to machine learning: most initiatives fail, and for the few that are ever deployed, it takes many months to do so. While AI has the potential to transform and boost businesses, the reality for many companies is that machine learning only ever drips red ink on the balance sheet.

DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates - Baruch Sadogursky (JFrog)

So, you want to update the software for your user, be it the nodes in your K8s cluster, a browser on user’s desktop, an app in user’s smartphone or even a user’s car. What can possibly go wrong? In this talk, we’ll analyze real-world software update fails and how multiple DevOps patterns, that fit a variety of scenarios, could have saved the developers. Manually making sure that everything works before sending an update and expecting the user to do acceptance tests before they update is most definitely not on the list of such patterns.

Live Kubernetes Debugging with the Elastic Stack - Philipp Krenn (Elastic)

Your Kubernetes app is down. Your users start ranting on Twitter. Your boss is standing right behind you. What do you do? This talk walks you through a live debugging session without panicking: We are using the Elastic Stack in this demo with a special focus on its Kubernetes integration with metadata enrichment and autodiscovery in combination with APM / tracing, metrics, logs, and health checks.

Deploying Multiple Kubernetes Clusters on Multi-Cloud Infrastructure

How-to deploy multiple Kubernetes clusters on multi-cloud infrastructure. Most organizations need a way to deploy K8s to multiple infrastructure providers; on-premise and the cloud, multiple cloud providers, edge location and the cloud, or some combination in between (hybrid cloud). This tutorial covers the deployment of Kubernetes on AWS and Azure from a single centralized control plane. Enterprise grade Kubernetes platform for hybrid cloud.

Kubernetes Deployment on Azure

How-to deploy a kubernetes cluster on Azure. There are several ways to deploy kubernetes on Azure, including Microsoft’s own AKS. This tutorial covers the deployment of kubernetes on Azure using a single command. Fully automated and ready for production applications you will have upstream kubernetes with best of breed open source components needed for Day 2 operations, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and more. Declarative kubernetes, no extra steps, no custom automation.

Upgrading Kubernetes - Advanced Controls

How-to upgrade a kubernetes cluster. There are several ways to upgrade a kubernetes cluster and the upgrade strategy may depend on the type of cluster you are trying to upgrade. This tutorial covers advanced control of a kubernetes cluster upgrade often required for upgrading large shared clusters. This includes upgrading the cluster by node pools or selecting how many concurrent nodes should be done in parallel.