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Aligning Dell's Industry-Leading Storage and Data Infrastructure Portfolio With a Comprehensive Monitoring and Optimization Platform

Dell Technologies World is upon us, and in addition to being a welcomed return to the in-person format, it’s also an opportunity for me to reflect on Virtana’s long history with Dell, our integration points, and the synergies with the Dell portfolio.

5 Cloud Migration Planning Tool Misconceptions

By now, most of us know that migrating workloads to the cloud isn’t like simply moving software from one server to another—especially in a complex enterprise infrastructure with many interdependent services and components. There are a lot of things that can go wrong: technical public cloud provisioning issues, security and compliance challenges, lack of cloud skills, wrong public cloud service provider (CSP) selection, unexpected costs, and more.

The Ugly Truth About (Most) Cloud Rightsizing Recommendations

Rightsizing is about finding the optimal cloud configuration options to ensure that you get the performance you need—within any given constraints you are operating under—at the lowest possible cost. This is a simple proposition, but deceptively so. For one thing, business requirements are constantly changing, meaning that your workloads must adapt to support them, which in turn changes their operating parameters.

Cloud Governance: What It Is and Why You Need It

Every company exerts some level of effort to manage costs, performance, and risk in their hybrid cloud environment. But to ensure that those activities are performed consistently and efficiently across the board, you need a framework of policies, processes, controls, and tracking. In other words, you need cloud governance.

The Question Isn't Whether You're Overspending in the Cloud, It's by How Much

Everyone is doing it. No, I am not talking about the latest Tik Tok challenge… The thing that everybody is doing—every company, that is—is that they are spending more money in the cloud than they need to. In fact, 82% of respondents in our own recent survey admitted that their organizations have incurred unnecessary cloud costs.

19 Questions To Ask Your Cloud Cost Management Vendor

Not all cloud cost management tools are equal. Whether you’re in the process of evaluating cloud cost management vendors or already have a tool in place, here are 19 questions you should ask to ensure you have all the capabilities needed to maximize performance and minimize cost of your hybrid cloud deployment across the following.

8 Signs You Have a Cloud Optimization Problem

In a survey we conducted last year, we discovered that many enterprises overestimate their ability to optimize their hybrid cloud infrastructures. More than three-quarters of respondents gave themselves high marks for a range of capabilities. Here’s the exact breakdown of the number who rated their abilities a 4 or 5 out of 5: This sounds like great news, except there’s a problem. When we asked about how easy it is to get a global view of cloud costs, 42% said that it takes some effort.

5 Misconceptions About Cloud Cost Optimization Tools

Unless you are one of the 1% of enterprises that have zero workloads running in the publice cloud, you need a cloud cost optimization tool. Yes, you do. And if you have workloads running in multiple public clouds—which somewhere in the neighborhood of 85% of enterprises do—you really need a cloud cost optimization tool. If I’m preaching to the choir, feel free to skip to the end of this article where you’ll find a link to try Virtana Optimize for free.

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure: A Complete Migration, Cost Management, and Optimization Checklist

The success of your enterprise’s digital transformation relies in no small part on your hybrid cloud infrastructure, which SearchCloud Computing defines as “a cloud computing environment that uses a mix of on-premises, private cloud and third-party, public cloud services with orchestration between these platforms.” Because this infrastructure is not a homogeneous environment, migration, management, and optimization can be an ongoing challenge.

Hybrid Cloud Predictions: 2022 Will Be the Year of Cloud Arbitrage

The as-a-service model and shared economy has changed the way people think about products, properties, and partnerships. Netflix found massive success not by improving the DVD experience but by eliminating it altogether. Companies like WeWork, Airbnb, and Vrbo created a shared economy that reduces the need for ownership. As a part of our business transformation in the last one year, Virtana has embraced both the sharing economy and as-a-service subscription.