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OpenTelemetry Exporters - Types and Configuration Steps

In this post, we will talk about OpenTelemetry exporters. OpenTelemetry exporters help in exporting the telemetry data collected by OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry frees you from any kind of vendor lock-in by letting you export the collected telemetry data to any backend of your choice. In modern distributed systems, efficiently collecting, transmitting, and analyzing telemetry data from diverse sources poses a significant challenge.

OpenTelemetry Webinar: What is the OpenTelemetry API

The next in our series on OpenTelemetry fundamentals, this video is all about the #opentelemetry API, a part of the larger #cncf project to bring open standards to telemetry measuring, monitoring, and reporting. More about SigNoz: SigNoz - Monitor your applications and troubleshoot problems in your deployed applications, an open-source alternative to DataDog, New Relic, etc. Backed by Y Combinator.

Can you have a career in Node without knowing Observability?

”Isn’t Observability something for Ops to worry about?” I’ve heard this response more than once when talking about how developers should learn OpenTelemetry. I wanted to write this piece to show you how important and how easy it is to learn observability from day one as a coder.

Understanding OpenTelemetry Spans in Detail

Debugging errors in distributed systems can be a challenging task, as it involves tracing the flow of operations across numerous microservices. This complexity often leads to difficulties in pinpointing the root cause of performance issues or errors. OpenTelemetry provides instrumentation libraries in most programming languages for tracing.

Top 11 Loki alternatives in 2023

Loki is a open source log aggregation tool developed by Grafana labs. It is inspired by Prometheus and is designed to be cost-effective and easy to operate. But Loki also has some limitations, and you might want to explore some Loki alternatives for your log analytics. In this article, we will look at 11 log management tools you can use as a Loki alternative. Loki is designed to keep indexing low. It does this by making use of labels.

Comparing Datadog and New Relic's support for OpenTelemetry data

OpenTelemetry is the future of Observability, APM, Monitoring, whatever you want to call ‘the process of knowing what our software is doing.’ It’s becoming common knowledge that your time is better spent gaining experience with an open, standardized system for telemetry than closed-source or otherwise proprietary standard. This truth is so universally acknowledged that all the big players in the market have made announcements of how they’re embracing OpenTelemetry.

OpenTelemetry Webinar: What *is* the OpenTelemetry API?

We've all read “OpenTelemetry is a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools.” Okay, great, but which parts are APIs, what's the SDK, and which are the tools? And aren't there supposed to be some standards in there too? Join Nica and Srikanth Chekuri as we explore the OpenTelemetry API and how it fits into your Observability process.

14,000+ GitHub stars, 4 Million Docker Downloads, in-context Logs and a Team Workation - SigNal 28

Welcome to the 28th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 28! Our team shipped many features and improvements last month. We also had an amazing team workation in Goa, India. Let’s dive in to see what humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of August 2023.