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Five Reasons Why Python Is Popular

One of my first projects as a consultant created a web application for a small tax software company in Omaha, Nebraska. They were looking to improve their online presence by offering customers the ability to automatically obtain the license for the application. Their website would allow the customer, potentially within minutes, to gain access to their software. They hired me to develop a process with an interface to their existing system to generate a license code, store it somewhere, and then email it.

Differentiating Between SLO vs. SLA vs. SLI: What They Are and How to Improve Them

Recently, technology roles have become more generalized—cloud computing, for instance, requires a broader knowledge of technologies like storage and network. As technology has continued to evolve over the decades, many job positions have blurred into many roles or even morphed into new roles with new responsibilities.

Tips for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month You May Be Overlooking

Did you know Halloween isn’t the only event in October ready to send shivers down your spine? Each year, October is “National Cybersecurity Awareness Month” in the U.S. and “European Cybersecurity Month” in Europe. So, before we dress up as ghosts, vampires, or whatever, let’s have a quick look at some old and new cyber risks to be aware of and how to deal with them.

Key Lessons for Building Secure and Resilient Ecosystems From the Forbes CIO Summit

Back in May, I had the pleasure of joining Michael Daniel, president, and chief executive officer of Cyber Threat Alliance, at the Forbes CIO Summit to discuss creating resilient digital ecosystems without sacrificing agility. In the past two years, we’ve evolved our product development models with a focus on a zero-trust mindset and culture.
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Fixing Slow Databases: Improving App Performance Overnight

There's no denying database applications have come a long way over the past few years. Despite all the improvements, however, they're still far from perfect-sometimes, they even feel painfully slow. A seemingly quick and easy task can end up taking hours for no good reason. The result? Angry users, suspicious managers, and a generally unhappy team.

Papertrail and AWS SNS

Operating a modern web application requires having a good handle on what’s going on with your application’s log data. But this doesn’t mean you need to keep the logs pulled up all the time. Sometimes, you want the flexibility to send important logged events to any number of places. The integration of SolarWinds® Papertrail™ and AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) can help you make this happen.

Why You Need to Automate DevOps

When I began my career in IT more than two decades ago, most organizations had multiple silos of application development teams. Each team would be responsible for a single application or sometimes two and nothing else. Developers would spend days, weeks, or months working on a single release containing countless enhancements and improvements. Release day was a pressure cooker, with IT pros sometimes working on the deployment overnight, hoping nothing went disastrously wrong.

What is AIOps? The Importance of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations

Modern IT environments are so complex, dynamic, and expansive that humans alone cannot effectively manage and maintain them. As a developer and operator, I have had to deal with failed servers and containers, running out of storage space, slow or unreliable network links, bugs in code, and unpredictable workloads in some applications.

IT Trends Report Shows Experience Equals Confidence When Managing Complex IT Environments

Each year, SolarWinds publishes the IT Trends report, a collection of responses to survey questions meant to gain insight into the world of IT. I enjoy the IT Trends report for a variety of reasons, but my favorite reason is because I get to examine the raw data and draw conclusions! While reviewing the data and findings this year, I noted the demographic data collected included the number of years of IT experience for the survey respondents.

2022 IT Pro Day survey examines state of the tech job market amid labour shortages and hiring challenges

SolarWinds survey: Two-thirds of IT pros say they're confident in their tech career despite a potential economic slowdown, but only half say their company has been adequately staffed amid the "great resignation".