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April 2024

SIGNL4 Onboarding: Customizing Alerts and Notifications

The SIGNL4 Onboarding series walks users through the process's of SIGNL4 from Signup to Alerts to Settings. Today's video focuses on using Overrides to enable different alerting options during different dates and times. This video is packed with helpful tips to help you get the most out of your account.

Enhancing Team Collaboration: Unveiling the Intuitive Features of SIGNL4

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful teamwork, and SIGNL4 emerges as a powerful tool crafted to elevate collaboration within teams. In this blog post, we will explore five of the often small but all the more intuitive features that distinguish SIGNL4, positioning it as the preferred solution for teams aiming to enhance productivity and streamline communication.

Mobile Alerts for Icinga at Net at Work

Net at Work is a German IT company with over 100 employees that provides its customers with solutions and tools for digital communication and collaboration. Their product NoSpamProxy offers reliable protection against spam and ransomware, legally compliant email encryption and more. Net at Work customers monitor NoSpamProxy with a network monitoring tool.