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May 2024

AI engineering for AI Error Resolution

Smart engineering teams are working out how to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve real business problems. At Raygun, we’re no exception, and we’re committing our time and effort to developing AI software applications that bring value to our customers. Our first AI-powered release is AI Error Resolution (AIER), a novel Crash Reporting feature that takes debugging with ChatGPT to the next level. We know that LLMs have already dramatically increased software engineers’ productivity.

Xamarin alternatives for cross-platform mobile development

Xamarin is now officially sunset, leaving many developers seeking other options for cross-platform mobile development. If you’re one of them, don’t panic. While Microsoft themselves have shifted towards.NET MAUI, it’s not the only option – there are several robust frameworks that can match Xamarin’s capabilities, and even introduce exciting new features and efficiencies. Let’s look at some leading alternatives to keep your mobile projects thriving.

Raygun4Aspire: (Free) lightweight Crash Reporting running locally

NET Aspire is a new type of project and set of NuGet packages that make it easier to coordinate the multiple moving parts of a cloud-native web application. Announced near the end of 2023, .NET Aspire is currently in Preview 6, so still a work in progress. We’ve just released Raygun4Aspire, our Crash Reporting client for Aspire applications.

MAUI provider upgrades v2: Real User Monitoring + Crash Reporting

I’ve written previously about the process of adding Real User Monitoring capabilities to our MAUI provider. I’m excited to say that this work is now live, batteries and all, plus some more improvements since the last blog. To recap the state of cross-platform development in the.NET ecosystem, Xamarin is out of support as of May 1st! This is replaced by.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI), meaning developers need appropriate tools when they make the switch.
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JS Toolbox 2024: Frameworks and static site generators

In 2024, JavaScript is bigger than ever. The ecosystem is just as huge, and almost impossible to keep track of - so I've had a go at picking out 2024's most essential JS tools for you. In part 1 of this series, we reviewed runtimes and package managers, the foundational building blocks of your software project. So in part 2, we're analyzing the tools which form the walls and roof that give your software project its structure: frameworks and static site generators. For this installment of JS Toolbox 2024, we explore various frameworks & generators available in the JavaScript & TypeScript ecosystem, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases.