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Building a Privacy-First AI for Incident Management

At Rootly, we're integrating AI into incident management with a keen eye on privacy. It's not just about tapping into AI's potential; it's about ensuring we respect and protect our customers’ privacy and sensitive data. Here's a quick overview of how we're blending innovation with strong privacy commitments.

10 Most Common Kubernetes Reliability Risks

Reliability risks are potential points of failure in your system where an outage could occur. If you can find and remediate reliability risks, then you can prevent incidents before they happen. In complex Kubernetes systems, these reliability risks can take a wide variety of forms, including node failures, pod or container crashes, missing autoscaling rules, misconfigured load balancing or application gateway rules, pod crash loops, and more. And they’re more prevalent than you might think.

Heroku Router Path Metrics

We are pleased to announce that we have released a new feature that allows you to collect Heroku Router metrics by path! By default, this option will not be enabled as it will increase your number of total metrics. If no action is taken, you will continue to receive your Router metrics in the default format. This provides a good overview of your application’s total connection times, requests by method/status, etc.

Codefresh in the Wild: building Starbase-80

This article is part of our series “Codefresh in the Wild” which shows how we picked public open-source projects and deployed them to Kubernetes with our own pipelines. This week’s pick is starbase-80, a Kubernetes “homepage” application. We will use various tools such as GitHub, Docker, AWS, Codefresh, Argo CD, Terraform. This article chronicles how we integrated all those tools together in order to build an end-to-end deployment workflow.

Codefresh in the Wild: Building draw.io

This article is part of our series “Codefresh in the Wild” which shows how we picked public open-source projects and deployed them to Kubernetes with our own pipelines. This week’s pick is draw.io an online application for drawing different types of diagrams. We will use several tools such as GitHub, Docker, Helm Codefresh, Argo Rollouts, Argo CD. This guide chronicles how we integrated all those tools together in order to build an end-to-end Kubernetes deployment workflow.

GitHub Variables and Nx Reusable Workflows

At Qovery, we build our frontend using Nx and rely on the official nrwl/ci GitHub Actions. Our frontend requires third-party tokens during compile time, but we would like to avoid hardcoding them or using the.env file to define our tokens. The latter exposes our source code directly on GitHub, and even though it's not sensitive data, we don't want it to be easily scraped.

FinOps: A Basic Guide to Optimizing IT Financial Management

In an insightful Galileo webinar interview, industry analyst Charles Araujo delved into the world of FinOps, shedding light on its significance and practical implications for IT operations professionals. As organizations increasingly grapple with the complexities of cloud computing and strive to optimize their financial management practices, understanding the core principles becomes essential.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Security Benefits + RBAC Examples for Automated Access Management

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a way to secure IT systems and networks by limiting access to roles that can be assigned to individuals and groups of users. It makes sense for just about any IT team. After all, not everyone needs access to everything in a system, right? Different roles have different responsibilities, and those responsibilities require access to different things. RBAC makes sure that only the users who need access to certain services and resources have it.