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How to use Glouton as Nagios NRPE Daemon

When using Nagios, the NRPE daemon has been the traditionnal solution to implement local checks (load, number of users, custom scripts, etc.). All other checks are performed remotely from the Nagios server. NRPE daemon has been a bit challenging as you need to keep it in sync with your Nagios server and sometimes backporting this daemon can be painful. As Glouton has been implemented in Go, when you need a Nagios NRPE daemon, you can just use the binary on any compatible system and voila.

New monitoring agent in Go: Glouton

Bleemeo announces the General Availability of the new monitoring agent written in Go. This agent is the successor of the previous agent written in Python. All good aspects have been kept: Open Source, easy to deploy, and to use, available as a package for main Linux distributions: Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RedHat, available for Windows and available as a container.

Monitoring Apache Web Server with Bleemeo

The Apache HTTP server commonly known as Apache was officially released in 1995. Nowadays is one of the most popular HTTP servers on the World Wide Web. Many organizations such as Facebook, Cisco, IBM, and of course Apache Software foundation itself uses it. It's an open source web server, maintained by Apache Software Foundation. Apache is a cross-platform, even if the vast majority of server instances runs on Linux but some version also run on Windows.

Deploy Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi cluster with k3s

In order to carry out a demonstration of our smart tool: the Bleemeo agent at the 8th Devoxx France conference planned for the 17th of April, Bleemeo team decided to use the Kubernetes infrastructure and specially the lightweight version of Kubernetes: k3s. We choose to run k3s on a cluster of 3 Raspberry Pi nodes composed of 1 master node and 2 slaves nodes.

Bleemeo is now an Amazon Web Services Technology Partner

Bleemeo has integrated the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technology Partner program in February in order to get a closer relationship with the leader of Cloud Infrastructure market. We released at the same time our integration with AWS: CloudWatch metrics can be displayed in Bleemeo dashboards and can feed your alerts.

Monitor business metrics: boat data in Bleemeo

This year, and for the second time in a row, Bleemeo has supported a team of INP Toulouse (the engineering school of two of our founders) during the EDHEC Sailing Race. This year the race was in Arzon in French Britany. During the race, we provided them a tracker composed of a Raspberry Pi and a GPS antenna. Then all along the race, it was reporting data in Bleemeo and we were displaying the boat data on a map.