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Grafana Incident auto-summary: AI in Grafana Cloud

Check out a fun demo of Grafana Incident auto-summary, which uses generative AI to suggest a helpful synopsis that captures key details from your incident timeline with a single click. Grafana Incident auto-summary marks the first feature enabled by the new OpenAI integration in Grafana Incident. Simply bring your own OpenAI API key to get started in Grafana Cloud.

k6 extensions updates with Ivan Szkiba (k6 Office Hours #99)

In this episode of k6 Office Hours, Developer Advocates Marie Cruz and Paul Balogh are joined by Ivan Szkiba, the latest Grafanista of the k6 team, to discuss the latest developments on the k6 extensions. Links shared: List of templates and extensions discussed: ⏰ TIMESTAMPS.

How to learn Grafana with Grafana Play (Grafana Office Hours #10)

If you were wondering how to learn Grafana, Grafana Play is probably the easiest way. Grafana Play is a collection of ready-made dashboards and apps that you can use without creating an account. Developer Advocates Matt Abrams, Paul Balogh, and Nicole van der Hoeven discuss how to take advantage of this awesome tool and what you can do with it.

Getting started with Grafana Loki (Grafana Office Hours #09)

Senior Principal Solutions Engineer Ward Bekker talks about getting started with Grafana Loki: what Loki is, why you need log aggregation, and how it fits into the rest of the Grafana stack. He is joined by Developer Advocates Paul Balogh and Nicole van der Hoeven to tell you everything you need to know about Loki.

What's new in k6 browser? (k6 Office Hours #98)

k6 browser adds browser-level APIs to automate browser actions and collect web performance metrics as part of your k6 test. It's an experimental module, and there is a good reason why! In this k6 Office Hours, Developer Advocates Marie Cruz and Nicole van der Hoeven are joined by Software Engineers Ankur Agarwal and Daniel Jimenez to discuss the breaking changes that are about to come to k6 browser! You wouldn't want to miss this.

OpenTelemetry demo app with Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, Tempo (Grafana Office Hours #06)

DevOps Engineer Blueswen Li 劉義瑋 joins us to walk us through some OpenTelemetry demo apps he created, instrumented with Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, and Tempo. He is joined by two of our Developer Advocates, Paul Balogh and Nicole van der Hoeven.