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The latest News and Information on Service Center Operations Manager and related technologies.

New Year's (observability) Resolutions

A new year has started and I've been pondering my hopes and dreams for the year to come. In the world of SRE, observability is the most prominent pillar of my work. So, I decided to drill into the topic of observability and what I'd like to see happen in the industry in 2023. Rather than focusing on any tool, technology, or methodology, I'lll be exploring concepts that can be broadly applied in any organization.

High Citrix logon durations

Every Citrix VAD/DaaS engineering team is responsible for a healthy Citrix VAD or DaaS deployment (yes also DaaS). But the most important task is providing great user experience. Is the team sure end users are actually getting that great user experience? Can they prove it? Are they going to be alarmed immediately whenever they are not and find the root cause quickly? Does the team know which users are affected.

Monitor VDA machines and sessions agentless with SCOM

Every Citrix engineer knows it is quite a burden to install, configure and update monitoring agent software on Citrix VDA machines as this requires you to create and deploy new master images every time you need to deploy a new agent version. While it requires some manual actions, the SCOM platform does natively support monitoring through agentless managed devices which you can onboard with the SCOM discovery wizard.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Google Kubernetes Engine Dashboard

This SquaredUp dashboard shows key metrics from any GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters and node groups, including utilization of resources and health status. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Grafana Dashboard

This SquaredUp Grafana dashboard surfaces status information from Grafana, giving you a big picture overview across teams and apps – all while allowing you to utilize your existing dashboards and alert rules. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Google Compute Engine Dashboard

This Google Compute Engine dashboard shows key metrics about any GCE instances, managed instance groups, and related resources such as GCE disks. These metrics include utilization of resources and health status. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample Azure Application Insights Dashboard

This SquaredUp dashboard uses the Azure plugin to surface key performance metrics from Application Insights. Common user experience metrics are all provided out of the box, and we can query, summarize, and analyse the raw logs and traces. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Dashboard Fridays: Sample AppDynamics Dashboard

Together, these three AppDynamics dashboards provide a high-level overview of the health and performance of a service – reporting on application-level metrics, infrastructure, and more importantly, end-user experience. Tune in to learn how it was made, the challenges it solves, and our top tips for building it yourself.

Citrix HDX Teams Redirection Service is not running

The Citrix HDX Teams Redirection Service is part of the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent software since version 1906. The service runs on a VDA machine (single- or multi-session) and provides redirection services which offload audio, video and screensharing in Microsoft Teams for optimizing the user experience for Microsoft Teams when used within the VDA.