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Future Trends & Technology for Your Integration Infrastructure

Integration is now the #1 IT expense category at many enterprises and new complexities increase the burden on Service Delivery, CI/CD, IBM MQ administration, and other “integration professionals” every day. Your enterprise has Microservices, Mobile, Mainframes, Cloud, and more applications and application updates than you can count and it takes the routing of transactions, messages and more through a rapidly growing integration infrastructure layer to make it all work together.

The benefits of hybrid cloud for financial institutions

Financial institutions and their service providers have traditionally owned and run their technology infrastructure on their own premises or in their own data centres. However, that’s changing with the advent of powerful public cloud services, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

The Role of Fintech In The Financial Industry

With the rise and advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, there is no question that new rationalists are joining this group to enforce their ideas. However, most Rationalists and highly successful people do not hold back anything, and maybe this is because the technological and financial industry embraces disruptors of the norm. One rationalist concept adopted by the technology and financial sector is Fintech.

Open new channels to delight your employees- Announcing @mention Virtual Agent on Slack

The new normal has brought in new opportunities and new challenges. Technology plays an integral role in keeping your employees engaged in this new normal. It’s not enough to have any old technology but the right technology that drives engagement and helps your employees succeed in this digital workplace. Engaged teams are 17% more productive, show 24% to 59% less turnover and 21% greater profitability than the disengaged teams.

Evolve hybrid cloud security to meet COVID-19 challenges

Remote work poses new demands for hybrid cloud security. Here’s how organizations can protect themselves from security threats in this complex landscape.With employees continuing to work from home to meet the social distancing requirements of COVID-19, more people are juggling business with personal engagements, at times outside normal business hours. Often, they’re using their mobile business laptop, as well as a plethora of additional wireless mobile devices.

DevSecOps: Collaborate Confidently with Open Source Tools

There is a Cambrian explosion currently underway in the collaboration tools space. The exponential rise in remote working as a result of naturally evolving workplaces and aided by the recent pandemic has created an opportunity for lots of different collaboration tools to take center stage. As our collaboration tools improve, work that would have been nearly impossible to do remotely is becoming more and more common.

3 Ways to Improve DataPower Performance

IBM DataPower Gateway is the latest variant of DataPower and helps organizations meet the security and integration needs of a digital business in a single multi-channel gateway. It provides security, control, integration and optimized access to a full range of mobile, web, application programming interface (API), serviceoriented architecture (SOA), B2B and cloud workloads.

Build Vs. Buy Discussion

This a complex question with deep implications that touch many areas of the business including the executive team, finance, procurement and Human Resources. In this short webinar we will discuss some of the areas that must be considered and provide you with some strategic ideas to improve your business. This presentation is gleaned from the hundreds of man-years of experience our experts have had in answering this exact question.