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Choosing the Best AWS Serverless Computing Solution

Serverless computing is becoming increasingly popular in software development due to its flexibility of development and the ability it affords to test out and run solutions with minimal overhead cost. Vendors like AWS provide various tools that enable businesses to develop and deploy solutions without investing in or setting up hardware infrastructures. In this post, we’ll cover the many different services that AWS provides for supporting serverless computing.

3 Major Ways To Improve AWS Lambda Performance

This piece was originally three different blogs but is now one. In this piece, we lay out three ways you can improve your AWS Lambda performance. So much has been written about Lambda cold starts. It’s easily one of the most talked-about and yet, misunderstood topics when it comes to Lambda. Depending on who you talk to, you will likely get different advice on how best to reduce cold starts.

The ultimate Google Algorithm update checklist for your website

As we are all well aware, this month Google will be updating its algorithm with the aim of improving the user experience. With these changes, however, it’s reported that many of the top-ranking websites will be affected, meaning they need to take action now to ensure all of the hard SEO work they’ve done is not lost.

Get started with distributed tracing and Grafana Tempo using foobar, a demo written in Python

Daniel is a Site Reliability Engineer at k6.io. He’s especially interested in observability, distributed systems, and open source. During his free time, he helps maintain Grafana Tempo, an easy-to-use, high-scale distributed tracing backend. Distributed tracing is a way to track the path of requests through the application. It’s especially useful when you’re working on a microservice architecture.

An Overview of the Cost Savings and Business Benefits with Auvik

If you’re an Auvik user, you’ve likely come to realize our software can provide value to your business in more ways than one. From automating tedious and repetitive tasks like documentation and config backup, to cutting down on troubleshooting time, Auvik’s cloud-based network monitoring and management system gives you true network visibility and control.

Sites can now be grouped

Our users sometimes have a large number of applications that are being monitored by Oh Dear. Some of these applications are related to each other. Think for instance of a marketing site and an API that are part of the same application. To better emphasise that some of the things that are monitored are related, you can now use groups. When you start monitoring a site at Oh Dear, you can now optionally specify a group name.

Introducing advanced user management for large teams

If we look at the number of sites that our users monitor, we can split our user base into two large groups. Teams in the first group only monitor one or a couple of sites. The second group monitors 30 or more sites. We've just launched new features that make user management more flexible for large teams. In this blog post, we'd like to tell you all about it.