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Managing the Icinga Director with Ansible

Our company is using Icinga for quite some time now to monitor our whole infrastructure and its customers infrastructure. We deploy many Icinga instances for different teams and customers (see this video for more information). To manage the configuration of these instances, we use the Icinga Director module. This gives us an easy way to deploy checks, services and hosts in Icinga. The teams do not have access to the configuration files of Icinga, so every change is done via the Director frontend.

Designing Icinga's Brand Identity

„Thanks for coming! Thanks for supporting us as a company, as a product, as our people! Enjoy the wonderful night!“ A shower of confetti was pouring over the heads of celebrating people just as our CEO Bernd finished his sentence. „I Gotta Feeling“ by Black Eyed Peas played. The song was released on May 21, 2009. Just shortly after Icinga was seeing the light of the world on May 6, 2009. It was the early summer of 2019. We were celebrating the 10th anniversary of Icinga.

Icinga for Windows v1.3.0 - Yet another release!

Agreed, it might feel like routine by now, but we are still happy to announce today’s release of Icinga for Windows v1.3.0. This includes Icinga PowerShell Plugins v1.3.0 as well as Icinga PowerShell Kickstart v1.2.0. Like with every release we appreciate all feedback, testing and bug reports, from our community and user base, as without you we wouldn’t be able to make such great progress with this project.

Upcoming PostgreSQL Support for Icinga Certificate Monitoring

Our goal is to support both MySQL and PostgreSQL as a backend wherever we need a database. Our latest addition in this area was PostgreSQL support for reporting, which will be released in the next few weeks. We don’t have PostgreSQL support for Icinga Certificate Monitoring yet. But it has already been worked on and the pull request for it is waiting to be tried. We would be happy to receive feedback in this regard so that we can fully merge PostgreSQL support as soon as possible.

Docker: Secure, but comfortable images.

While developing Docker images for Icinga 2, Icinga Web 2 and Icinga DB we stumbled over OpenShift which doesn’t allow images to run as root by default. One has to enable that explicitly. Also admins of K8s environments being more permissive by default may decide not to allow running as the superuser. So we’ve added a USER directive to our Dockerfiles to make our customers‘ compliance departments happy.

Icinga for Windows: MSSQL Plugin Release v1.0.0

Today we are happy to announce that our MSSQL plugins for Icinga for Windows are enhancing the series of Icinga plugins and become released as version 1.0. With this first release we are sharing four plugins to check the current health of MSSQL itself but also internal metrics. In addition we provide a plugin to fetch MSSQL specific Performance Counters from within the database, similar to our Windows Performance Counter plugin and a backup check plugin.