Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


A How-To Guide To SLAs (Service Level Agreements), Best Practices, And Why They Are So Important To Customers

You’ve heard it so many times: Transparent communication is the key to any successful relationship. The banking industry learned this lesson when cyber attacks began to plague their customers, and the official line for many financial institutions was to deny there was a problem. That is until the hacks became so profound and so persistent that it became impossible to cover them up any longer.

JungleDisk Case Study

Modern businesses face a unique challenge when it comes to protecting their data, one that changes rapidly in our technology-focused lives: Backups fail; local disks fail; files become corrupted; hackers prey on IT users. Jungle Disk was founded to deliver robust data security to clients across a wide range of industry sectors and, since 2006, have been providing their clients with the latest technologies to keep their critical information safe.

DOTComm Case Study

The Douglas Omaha Technology Commission (DOTComm) manages the IT services for the City of Omaha and Douglass County. Founded in 2001 the Organisation brought together the services previously delivered by two separate providers through a merger. This initiative was designed to deliver economies of scale, reduce costs and improve service provision by increasing the capacity of the organization.


StatusCast provides a unified communications cloud based platform that allows IT to easily communicate up-time status and scheduled maintenance messages to its end-users with a powerful application status page.

Managing Application Uptime - Hosted Status Page vs DevOps Team

When your software goes down, there are two audiences that need to know about it. One: the people who are going to get frustrated and blame you for the inconvenience. Two: the people who can fix the problem. The first audience doesn’t need to know the details of the problem – they just need to know that you’re on top of fixing it, and how long they can expect to wait before full functionality is restored (insofar as you can make a realistic estimate about that).

SaaS Application Uptime- APM and DevOps

If you care about the uptime status of your website or SaaS application, there are two really great pieces of content shared last month that you should look into. One is an article on continuous testing from Parasoft Corporation, featured on DZone. The other is a recorded presentation on Application Performance Monitoring (APM) by Expected Behavior, from the Full Stack Toronto conference.