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reCAPTCHA: Easy for Humans and Hard for bots

Captchas are used on many websites to protect user accounts from bots and other automated programs, preventing them from accessing the website. According to Imperva's research, harmful bots generate 25.6% of all web traffic in 2020. They are used by spammers to send automated messages to users, and by hackers to attack websites with automated scripts that often wreak havoc on the site’s performance.

8 Best Network Monitoring Tools to Try-on

Network monitoring tools are an important part of any network management strategy since it gives you valuable information about network-related issues that could damage your business. Overloaded networks, router difficulties, downtime, cybercrime, and data loss are all dangers that can be mitigated by frequently monitoring networks.

Logging Practices: Know What to Log

Logging is an essential component of many applications. Every application has a different logging technique. You may prefer certain logging implementations, but you must also consider what to log, when to log, how much to log, and how to control logging. System administrators and developers, particularly the support team, benefit greatly from a well-designed logging system. For both the support team and the developers, logs save a lot of time.

Some Useful Linux Networking Commands

One of the most well-known and commonly used open-source operating systems is Linux. It's a clone of UNIX, however unlike UNIX, it's free to download and use. Despite being an open-source operating system, it has a safe and resilient architecture, and many individuals and companies rely on it. You can, interestingly, make your own Linux version. You can accomplish so by simply downloading Linux and making the necessary adjustments. In essence, we can distinguish them as different Linux versions.

Serverless vs Fully Managed Services: What Are They? What is the Difference Between Them?

One of the first questions you must ask yourself when deciding to construct an application in the cloud is whether your application will be built utilizing serverless or fully managed services. To begin, let me state that these are extremely loosely defined concepts and that there may be cloud services that fall somewhere in the middle, as well as others that are both serverless and fully managed services at the same time.

7 Best CDN Providers 2022

Web page loading time, or website speed in a more technical phrase, is an important SEO component. It's also the most important aspect of the user experience. Modern internet content consumers have a short attention span and lack patience. You risk losing valuable traffic if your website does not load quickly enough. A CDN (Content Delivery Network) can help a website load faster.

A Beginner's Guide for Grafana Loki (Open-source Log Aggregation by Prometheus)

Many logging solutions are available on the market to deal with log data, each focusing on a different part of the logging issue including log aggregation. These solutions are open-source and proprietary software and tools incorporated into cloud provider platforms, as well as a variety of capabilities to fulfill your requirements. Grafana Loki is a new industry solution, so let's take a closer look at what it is, where it originated from, and whether it can suit your logging requirements.

How to build a SaaS application?

SaaS is a new trend that is transforming how companies manage their software. Today, SaaS is one of the most popular ways to deliver your software. SaaS is cloud-based software deployed from a website and is used to provide software solutions at a cost lower than the price of traditional software licensing, including the ability to build and deploy a solution. It is gaining popularity because of its ease of use and flexibility to be updated frequently.

Best Practices in Java Logging for Better Application Logging

Examining Java logs is usually the quickest way to figure out why your application is experiencing trouble, so it's critical to have it in place. Best practices for Java logging can help you troubleshoot and address issues before they affect your users or business. In many circumstances, this entails utilizing a Java logging tool capable of automating your processes and delivering faster and more accurate results than manual logging.

What are CDN Logs and Why Do They Matter

Content Delivery Network produces numerous log files called CDN logs to deliver video across the internet to our homes and mobile devices. These logs contain crucial information about the CDN servers' performance and video streaming quality. Also, it contains terabytes of data, which has its own set of hurdles in terms of handling it in real-time and performing analytics to understand user experience and network concerns.