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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Understanding Kubernetes Evicted Pods

What does it mean that Kubernetes Pods are evicted? They are terminated, usually the result of not having enough resources. But why does this happen? Eviction is a process where a Pod assigned to a Node is asked for termination. One of the most common cases in Kubernetes is Preemption, where in order to schedule a new Pod in a Node with limited resources, another Pod needs to be terminated to leave resources to the first one.

How to deploy a React app to Kubernetes using Docker

The concept of containerization helps you run applications as lightweight virtual machines. As a web developer, setting up local development environments can be tiresome. However, using tools like Docker and Kubernetes gives developers an upper hand to quickly set up and deploy applications. This guide uses Docker to deploy a React app to Kubernetes.

Quick Bytes - Getting started with ECS monitoring

Lumigo provides visibility into your ECS clusters and the underlying services and tasks in real-time by leveraging out-of-the-box dashboards and turn-key integrations with AWS. All the key metrics you need to monitor your clusters, services and tasks are displayed with easy access to corresponding traces. With one-click distributed tracing, Lumigo lets developers effortlessly find and fix issues in serverless and containerized environments

Qovery V3: Advanced Settings Building the Path to Beta Testing

Right at the beginning of the summer was the launch of our console V3 in Alpha testing; as explained in this article, the main goal of this V3 was to solve the UX issues present in the V2; it's also fully open source and rewritten from scratch in React. We gathered many feedbacks, and our Frontend team is continuing to add every feature already available on the V2 to go from Alpha to Beta testing at the end of September.

An overview of Monitoring Azure Kubernetes Services

Modern applications are increasingly built using containers and microservices packed with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes is open-source software for deploying and managing those containers at scale—and it is also the Greek word for helmsmen of a ship or pilot. Monitoring the health and performance of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster is critical to ensure that your applications are up and running as expected.

Partnership: Save Your Cloud Costs with Usage AI and Qovery

You are using Qovery, and you love the product, but what about saving some money on your cloud bills on top? Today, we are making your dreams come true with a brand new partnership with Usage AI, and today, I will explain everything you need to know about it.

What is a service mesh?

The rise of the containerized software environment has left archaic, monolithic application structures behind. Cloud-native applications running via a range of containers, or individual, self-contained software packages, are now the norm. Platforms and tools like Kubernetes and Docker allow developers to create apps that work irrespective of device or operating systems, vastly reducing time to market and increasing potential user base numbers.