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GitLab CI/CD Job Templates!

Like I’ve mentioned in my last blog post, we use GitLab pipelines for packaging. We have a lot of software, like Icinga, Icingaweb and its various modules, which we want to build across multiple different operating systems. This results in a huge number of jobs and pipelines, doing very similar stuff. We have a lot of code repetition, and this is bad – code repetition means higher code maintenance , and it invites bugs.

Icinga + Guacamole

One of Icinga’s greatest strengths is its ability to integrate with other systems and use those systems’ data to enrich monitoring. It can write time-series data to InfluxDB, Graphite or even Prometheus with our icinga2-exporter. It can talk to different data sources so that hosts and services can be created and managed automatically. This means that lots of manual work is eliminated.

Quick tip: How to create Icinga reports with custom branding

With Icinga Reporting you can create custom SLA reports for hosts and services that are monitored with Icinga. The module for Icinga Web fetches existing data and takes planned downtimes into account. You can filter for certain hosts and services as well as set custom thresholds to highlight unmet SLAs visually. You decide if you want to create the reports either manually or automatically, for example every week or month. The report then is sent to you as a PDF via email.

Icinga for Windows v1.10.0 - The Next Level

After some drawbacks we are very happy today to finally release Icinga for Windows v1.10.0! The past weeks we have spent a lot of time to polish this release, test many different aspects and optimize the user experience in general. Please make sure to read the upgrading docs carefully, before upgrading to v1.10.0. Otherwise, your installation might not work as expected, or Icinga for Windows might not load anymore.