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Time Series, InfluxDB, and Vector Databases

Integrating time series data with the power of vector databases opens up a new frontier for analytics and machine learning applications. Time series data, characterized by its sequential order and timestamps, is pivotal in monitoring and forecasting across various domains, from financial markets to IoT devices. InfluxDB, a leading time series database, excels in handling such data with high efficiency and scalability.

Where's the money? The ROI of test data management

You may have heard of test data management (TDM). It’s part of the software delivery process – some would say a crucial part, involving the creation, management, and maintenance of environments for software development and testing. By provisioning fresh, production-like data, it allows developers to test their proposed changes early, thoroughly, and repeatedly with the right test data, when they need it and where they need it.

Why test data management is becoming increasingly important to the C-suite

We recently sat down with James Phillips, CIO at Rev.io, to talk about test data management (TDM) and the growing attention it’s getting from the C-suite. It’s been prompted by the recognition that provisioning test and development environments with realistic production-like data improves the quality of code being developed, reduces errors, and deliver new features to customers faster.

VictoriaMetrics Machine Learning takes monitoring to the next level

Today we’re happy to announce our new VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection solution, which harnesses machine learning to make database alerts more relevant, accurate and actionable for enterprise customers. VictoriaMetrics Anomaly Detection lightens the load on overworked data engineers, focusing their scarce resources on the alerts that matter most to their organization.

NoSQL Databases: The ultimate Guide

Today, many companies generate and store huge amounts of data. To give you an idea, decades ago, the size of the Internet was measured in Terabytes (TB) and now it is measured in Zettabytes (ZB). Relational databases were designed to meet the storage and information management needs of the time. Today we have a new scenario where social networks, IoT devices and Edge Computing generate millions of unstructured and highly variable data.

Enter Prompt+ EAP: your AI-powered database development partner in the making

After many cups of coffee and takeaway pizzas, something changed in the world of SQL Prompt in November 2023. For the first time in SQL Prompt’s history, our engineering team at Redgate brought AI to its breadth of capabilities and called it Prompt+. Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language queries and turns them into SQL coding suggestions.

Tale of the Tape: Data Historians vs Time Series Databases

It’s easy to pitch technology buying decisions as black or white, where one camp is the promised land and the other is a dystopian wasteland where companies and profits go to die. But that doesn’t match reality. Instead, organizations need to balance technical trade-offs with their needs. So, while it’s easy to stand atop the “rip and replace” mountain and shout the virtues of your new technology, that’s not something that most organizations are willing to do.

How to Monitor ClickHouse With Telegraf and MetricFire

Monitoring your ClickHouse database is a proactive measure that helps maintain its health and ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your applications and users efficiently. It allows you to address issues before they become critical, ensuring that your database environment is secure, reliable, and performing optimally. In this article, we'll detail how to use the Telegraf agent to collect performance metrics from your ClickHouse clusters, and forward them to a datasource.

Optimizing for High Availability and Minimal Latency in Distributed Databases with Kubernetes and Calico Cluster Mesh

Efficient connectivity for stateful workloads such as databases across multiple Kubernetes clusters is crucial for effective multi-cluster deployments. The challenge lies in providing seamless communication between services deployed across these clusters. Calico Cluster mesh enhances Kubernetes’ native service discovery, allowing it to function across multiple Kubernetes clusters.

What is MongoDB? Its Architecture and Monitoring

Ever wondered how popular websites manage millions of users and interactions without crashing? The answer lies in MongoDB, a NoSQL database, document-based model. This is particularly useful for applications like social media platforms, where users can have multiple posts, comments, and interactions. MongoDB is also highly scalable, able to handle large amounts of data and traffic by distributing the workload across multiple servers.